A red dot is used to indicate a piece has been sold.
Old Kula Dairy
by Michael Clements
10 x 20
16.5 x 26.5 $1200 framed |
Old Waikapu
by Michael Clements
11 x 14
20 x 23 $1000 framed |
Old Lahaina
by Michael Clements
8 x 10
15 x 17 $750 framed
I painted this from the park next to 505 Front Street in Lahaina. The
scene across the street looks towards the West Maui mountains and the
historic area of Moku'ula. I tried to give this painting the sense of
a time gone by. |
Hot, Dry and Dusty
by Michael Clements
8 x 8
14 x 14 $575 framed
This scene is from the sugar cane fields along Pulehu road. It's hard
to imagine working in these vast fields, where the trade winds create
dust clouds and there is no shade from the sun. These women always
dress in colorful garb. Possibly, so they can be seen thru the haze
of red dust. They are the last of a generation. |
A Perfect Afternoon at Kanaha
by Michael Clements
18 x 24
27.5 x 33.5 $1950 framed
My friend Jim and I found a downed coconut tree to sit down on and
paint. I usually stand while painting but on this day I was tired and
sitting there painting seemed so relaxing. There was no wind on this
day which made it "perfect." |
Feeling the Power
by Michael Clements
5.5 x 4.5
12 x 11 $135 framed
This little painting was from a day spent painting at Kapalua. The
beachgoers were plentiful and this boy caught my attention. This
little guy was inching his way out to deeper water. He was clearly
hesitant about this powerful force but I think that yellow life
preserver gave him the confidence he needed. |
Fishing Partners #1
by Michael Clements
9 x 12
16 x 19 $750 framed
I like the concentration fishermen exhibit, as if nothing else in the world exhists. |
Fishing Partners #2
by Michael Clements
8.5 x 16
15 x 22.5 $950 framed
These young men were out at first light with their nets fishing in
the surf outside the fish pond near Koki beach in Hana. |
View from Hanamu Road
by Michael Clements
12 x 9
18.5 x 15.5 $750 framed
Looking up towards Haleakala this huge pasture has some of the most
brilliant shifting colors Makawao has to offer. Any one travelling
this stretch of Hanamu Rd. has undoubtedly seen this. It's one of my
favorite upcountry scenes and it exemplifies the country nature of
this area of Maui. |
Breakfast for Two
by Michael Clements
11 x 14
18 x 22 $800 framed
Getting out early for that first glimmer of light that hits the
terrain is always exciting. I never know what will be revealed. On
this particular day my eye was captivated by this strongly backlit
group of horses. I selected two of them and quickly went to work. For
me, this scene is really more about the light. The horses were a bonus. |
Makawao Horse Coral
by Michael Clements
14 x 18
22 x 26 $1000 framed |
Pasture Makawao Turn
by Michael Clements
9 x 16
15.5 x 22.5 $900 framed |
Baldwin Avenue Pineapple Fields
by Michael Clements
6.5 x 12.5
11.5 x 17.5 $475 framed
These cultivated pineapple fields change color as the crops age. They
remind me of a quilt. I enjoy weaving these colors up towards
Haleakala. This is one of my favorite scenes upcountry. |
Silvery Sunset
by Michael Clements
6.5 x 12.5
11.5 x 17.5 $475 framed
Railroad transportation was big in the state of Hawaii at one time.
Now days this is the only active narrow gauge train still running. I
like mechanical things and every kid I knew growing up had a train
set at one time. Too bad we don't have more trains running on Maui,
it would be a nostalgic way to get around the island. |
Tug Boats at Daybreak
by Michael Clements
14 x 11
22 x 19 $900 framed
The shapes and reflections the boats provide are irresistable to me.
Early morning light, tranquil water, and smells of the ocean all add
up to a meditative state of mind for me. This painting is an attempt
to capture those sensations. |
Honolulu Tugs
by Michael Clements
14 x 18
22 x 26 $1400 framed
I really like painting working boats. There's something about the
nature of tug boats. The small powerful presence, waiting to help
manuever ships 20 times their size in and out of the harbor, operated
by skilled skippers, they are an essential part of every commercial
harbor. Fun to paint and fun to watch. |
North Shore
by Michael Clements
7 x 12.5
15 x 20.5 $550 framed |
Kula, Kahakaloa & Molokai
by Michael Clements
16.5 x 18.5
23 x 25 $1250 framed |
Red Roofs
by Michael Clements
12 x 9
18.5 x 15.5 $600 framed |
A Little Piece of the Mill
by Michael Clements
7 x 10
12 x 15 $450 framed |
Old Wailuku Favorite
by Michael Clements
14 x 12
25 x 23 $900 framed |
Pretty Soon... No More Paia Mill
by Michael Clements
11 x 14
22 x 25 $900 framed |
Bringing in the Cane
by Michael Clements
9 x 12
16 x 19 $750 framed
Another painting from the working side of the Puunene Sugar Mill.
These massive trucks are ready to be unloaded. Standing next to
these, the tires are taller than me. I'd like to drive one. Since
that is not likely, painting them is the next best thing. It's
probably safer for everyone too. |
Fill It Up and Haul It Off
by Michael Clements
18 x 12
28 x 22 $1200 framed
I painted this on a Sunday. Not much activity going on.This truck was
parked under the hopper and periodically something would thud down
into the truck. I don't know what it is or where it's going or how
long it takes to get a truck load. I realize I don't know much about
any of this, but that doesn't prevent me from painting it. |
Dirty Business at Pu'unene Mill
by Michael Clements
12.5 x 19
23 x 29.5 $1250 framed
I've painted this sugar mill many times. Lately, I am drawn to the
areas where the actual work of the mill goes on. It's up close and
personal. It's also noisy, dirty and smelly. It takes a lot of dirty
work to make that sparkling crystal product that I like to put in my
coffee. |
Aging Gracefully
by Michael Clements
6 x 12
15.5 x 20.5 $490 framed
This old Ford truck is off of Omaopio road in lower Kula. I think it
could be restored to operating condition, but left as it is, I have
to admit that it looks pretty impressive as a stellar example of
"lawn art". |
4th of July
by Michael Clements
12 x 9
18.5 x 15.5 $750 framed
The Makawao town July 4th parade was the source for this painting.
This particular composition reminds me of my own past participation
in parades. |
Winding Through Upcountry Maui
by Michael Clements
12 x 16
18.5 x 22.5 $800 framed
It just doesn't get any better than having this type of natural
beauty all around us here on Maui. Like they say "lucky we live Hawaii." |
Late Day Color Play
by Michael Clements
10 x 18.5
16.5 x 25 $850 framed |
Jacaranda and Haleakala
by Michael Clements
14 x 18
21 x 25 $950 framed |
Ulupalakua Greens
by Michael Clements
16 x 12
23 x 19 $800 framed |
Kaanapali Railroad
by Michael Clements
10 x 18
20 x 28 $800 framed |
Lahaina Moorings After a Storm
by Michael Clements
8 x 14
12 x 18 $750 framed
The sky had just cleared after a quickly moving storm to reveal
Molokai and the sunlight hitting the clouds above it. I enjoyed the
challenge of capturing this scene. |
Sunset from Kula
by Michael Clements
6 x 12
12 x 18 $600 framed
I see sunsets like this from my home in Kula all the time. It's odd
that I don't paint them more often. This was done in plein air which
means I had to be quick about it. It's easy to know when your
finished with this type of painting. It's when you can't see your
paint pallete because it's night time. |
Rice Ranch Horses
by Michael Clements
12 x 9
19 x 16 $750 framed |
A red dot is used to indicate a piece has been sold.