This show brings the viewer into the
heart, soul, and spirit of the artists, as one is transported through their imagination by
images of fantasy, whimsy, and abstraction rendered with saturated color and deft hand.
Janet Davis has a deep and loyal following because of her ability to tap into the inner
child in all of us. Images of mermaids, angels, fairies, and the like are composed with
everyday objects in a playful and delightful manner, tapping into the core of our being.
Working primarily in oils, Davis' often uses the encaustic method to give her paintings a
more ethereal appearance, adding substance of her vision.
Jim Stewart has recently been brought into the gallery, and this is his first showing on the
island. Though an accompished artist for many years, one can sense how impactful
Maui has been on this artist, as true emotion and a sense of awe are beautifully translated
in oils. Some paintings are created in the studio and others are en plein air, which makes
for a very interesting collection of artwork, as both venues bring out his best.
