Chasing Romance
Diana Dorenzo
show runs: JUNE 12 - JULY 4
opening reception: SAT. JUNE 14, starting at 5pm

Chasing Romance
oil, oilbar and oil pastel on wood panel
30 x 40 (40 x 50 framed) $4800 framed
When I think of romance certain images and emotions come to mind.
The moon, mists and fog, flowers, streams, ponds, all water and water voyages.
Romance is the color red, dancing, music, and fire.
Romance lies behind or beyond what is seen.
Often you have to use your imagination to find it.
In her new book, “Finding Water,” Julia Cameron writes: As artists we must cultivate faith…see beyond appearances…trust that there is something larger than the apparent odds stacked against us. For the sake of sheer survival we must learn to have a deep and abiding belief in our own work and it's worthiness, despite the world's apparent acceptance or rejection.
The Artist life. What could be more Romantic? One “against” the world.
I have tried in this show, Chasing Romance, to be one “with” the world.
What has flooded me, I now offer you.
With my art, from my heart, I chase the romance in yours.
-- Diana Dorenzo