Viewpoints Featured Show
by Maui Artists John Shoemaker and Kari McCarthy
John Shoemaker delights in investigating new materials and techniques, and seeing where the adventure takes him. What matters, he says, is whether the journey uncovers new meanings. While Shoemaker's explorations are metaphorical in nature, Kari McCarthy begins with a more literal journey into the land- and oceanscapes of Maui and the California coast. Fascinated by atmosphere, color and light, McCarthy has lately begun to consider the surfaces of things, exploring their luminosity, reflectiveness, opacity and texture.
Opening Reception
S AT U R DAY, A P R I L 2 8 , 6 – 8 PM
exhibit runs
A P R I L 2 6 – M A Y 2 3 , 2 0 0 7
Gallery Hours: Monday–Saturday 9–6, Sunday 10–6
A red dot is used to indicate a piece has been sold. |
John Shoemaker
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Theory of Bird I
by John Shoemaker
oil, encaustic
7" x 5" $200 |
Theory of Bird III
by John Shoemaker
oil, encaustic, fabric
7" x 5" $200 |
Theory of Bird IV
by John Shoemaker
oil, encaustic
7" x 5" $200 |
Theory of Bird VI
by John Shoemaker
oil, encaustic, rust, fabric
7" x 5" $200 |
Theory of Bird VII
by John Shoemaker
oil, encaustic, paper, collage
7" x 5" $200 |
Theory of Bird VIII
by John Shoemaker
oil, encaustic, fabric, ink, embroidery
7" x 5" $200 |
Theory of Bird IX
by John Shoemaker
oil, encaustic, rust, fabric, paper
7" x 5" $200 |
Theory of Bird X
by John Shoemaker
oil, encaustic, ink, paper, fabric, acrylic
7" x 5" $200 |
Theory of Bird V
by John Shoemaker
oil, encaustic, rust, fabric
7" x 5" $200 |
Theory of Bird II
by John Shoemaker
oil, encaustic
7" x 5" $200 |
Theory of Bird XI
by John Shoemaker
oil, encaustic, rust, fabric, ink, collage
7" x 5" $200
View Kari McCarthy's Works