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updated 10/28/2005 05:18:27

Viewpoints Featured Show

New Works by Kari McCarthy & John Shoemaker

August 18 - September 14, 2005

Lately, the artist finds herself returning to the same scene on canvas—and digging deeper. “I’ll start with a large seascape, and realize that I’m drawn to a detail I want to study. I’ll create a new painting to delve into that detail. As I focus more on the colors, less on the scene, some of my pieces are becoming more abstract. I’m including a number of these studies in the show, along with my landscapes.”

Kari McCarthy

"Equanimity of Light"
30" x 40", oil on canvas
"Opposites Attract "
24" x 24", oil on canvas
Click here for 9 more pictures from this artist >>

John Shoemaker

"Interrogation of Space I"
9.5 " x 29 ", encaustic, oil stick, acrylic wash and paper
"Interrogation of Space IV"
24" x 18", encaustic, oil stick, acrylic wash and paper
Click here for 2 more pictures from this artist >>

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