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updated 08/26/2008 18:57:01

Viewpoints Featured Show

Ha'ina 'ia mai ana ka puana
A story is told...

Show Runs July 10 - August 5, 2008
Reception Sat., JULY 12, starting at 5pm

Suzy Papanikolas

A well-known painter of the polynesian figure... In this show, the artist goes deeper into portraying some of her favorite halau whose practice is rooted in an ancient culture, and yet are very creative and avant-guarde.

Arabella Ark
With fragments of a past recalled, the artist presents contemporary ceramics of temples and teapots showcasing essential elements of early native Hawaii. With a great sense of mystery and spirituality, Arabella creates award-winning ceramic vessels.

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Suzy Papanikolas
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Arabella Ark
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A story is told A story is told

Hands with Ili Ili and Ipu
by Suzy Papanikolas

acrylic on canvas
24 x 36 $3400 + $175 ship


Lauhala I
by Arabella Ark

raku-fired lidded vessel
27 x 12 x 7 $1500

A story is told A story is told

Dancer in Pink with Ipu
by Suzy Papanikolas

acrylic on canvas
48 x 24 $3400 + $220 ship


Lauhala II
by Arabella Ark

raku-fired lidded vessel
26 x 13 x 7 $1500

A story is told A story is told

Kumu's Daughter
by Suzy Papanikolas

acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 $2400 + $120 ship


by Arabella Ark

3 x 5 x 2 $100 each

Suzy Papanikolas
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Arabella Ark
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A red dot is used to indicate a piece has been sold.

To see or purchase works in this show, please contact Viewpoints Gallery.
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