2020 - Through the Eyes of the Artists

The present times are uncertain, constantly changing…
We asked artists to give us their perspective on their personal experience.
It could be anything… From a view from their window to an expression of their inner-world.
They all agreed to work in the same format: first 10″x10″ professional Birch wood panels,
and later on, for the finale 12″x12″ in order to create coherent murals.
Over 400 panels were given to over 100 artists…
The mural expanded and evolved as time went, throughout the year!
Recording history… Visually and with words


watercolor on paper over wood panel  $2200

On a Dare

On a Dare

watercolor on paper over wood panel  $2200

Bright Light

Bright Light

watercolor on paper over wood panel  $2200

Calibrating Truth

Calibrating Truth

acrylic, prismacolor, charcoal & resin on wood panel  $1200

“The moment we think we know the truth is the moment we no longer see one another.”

Gates of Wisdom

Gates of Wisdom

cotton yarn and brass nails on wood panel  $850

“During COVID, I continue to be challenged and inspired by my weekly Kabbalah study group,
meeting via Zoom. Our current focus is Sefer Yetzirah, an ancient Kabbalah text,
which posits the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet as foundational channels of Divine creation.
My piece “Gates of Wisdom” is inspired by this concept.
In this piece, every point is connected to every other point by cotton yarns dyed to step
around the color wheel in twenty equal increments, plus black and white for a total of 22.
In this way, every color is optically blended with every other color to create infinite possibility,
just as the 22 Hebrew letters combine to create infinite possibility.”

Airborne Forms

Airborne Forms

watercolor on paper over wood panel  $750

“Airborne droplets we all project every time we breathe, speak, sing, shout, sigh…
a phenomenon most of us never thought about before now dominates our COVID consciousness.
COVID has given me the gift of time to return to painting,
after many years focusing on fiber as an artistic medium.
My piece “Airborne Forms” reflects images in my mind’s eye every time
I come face to face with someone outside the cocoon of my home.”

The Comfort of Shadows

The Comfort of Shadows

encaustic mixed media on wood panel $650

“In these days of astonishing uncertainty, seeing what is hidden and revealed
in the shadows of my neighborhood, has brought me great comfort.
Noticing the ways the light and dark dance around each other keeps my heart open to ALL OF IT…”

Journey Through a Strange Land

Journey Through a Strange Land

kiln-formed glass with gold accents on wood panel $500

“We have all found ourselves in such totally new territory since the beginning of 2020
and have had to learn to deal with a strange disease,
physical distancing and inability to make many plans. We grieve over lives lost,
missing gatherings and meals with friends, hugs and other things we took for granted.”

Changing Directions

Changing Directions

split leaf philodendron sheaths, handmade paper on wood panel  $550

“Covid has been a time of changing directions in our lives to work with what is.”

‘Opi Nalu

handmade paper on wood panel  $750

“During this Covid time, we have had to learn to be flexible like the bend of a wave.”


handmade paper with a sliver of a Japanese Obi on wood panel  $750

“This year has been like a fire out of control. 
I tried to make this piece a controlled fire which can shed light and beauty on our future.”

Hilo Rain

handmade paper on wood panel  $750

“During this Covid time, I feel that nothing can soothe us like the sound of Hilo rain lightly sprinkling down.”

Goodbye Covid-19

stitched painting, gallery wrap on wood panel  $750

“As this tough year ends, we all look forward as efforts to render the corona virus powerless continue apace.  

Several vaccines on the horizon may knock off its spikes, and the future looks brighter.”

Lonely Thanksgiving 2020

stitched painting, gallery wrap on wood panel $750

“We remember past feasts fondly, and contemplate next year, when we can be together again.
But this year we are staying safe, mostly celebrating alone.
It’s growing dark outside, signifying the imminent end of our 2020 ordeal.
Brighter days are ahead.”


watercolor on paper over wood panel  $2000

“During these strange times, I bring to the viewer what I see,
but my greater goal is for people to be affected in such a way that they begin to see
for themselves the wonders taking place at every moment of every day,
everywhere – the pattern of a cloud formation, the night sky or the view from a rooftop.”

Sea of Dreams

watercolor on paper over wood panel $2000

“In this strange and difficult time humanity is facing right now,
I find liberation by going within my imagination and also into nature.
There I find freedom and “isolating” is no longer confining or limiting.”

Gift of Spirit

oil on wood panel $950

“The layers and transparencies in this work represent the invisible world we live with,
the world of the Spirit.
Some is liquid and some is solid, our lives are layered experiences.”

‘Dusk Daily’ Sunset Swims

oil on wood panel $1250

“Sunset swims at Baldwin Beach have become a daily pleasure and a necessity
for my well being and my daughter’s… and this “extra” time shared together.
It’s been a way to wash off the day. Grateful and staying positive.”

‘Butterflies and Bonfires’ – Overwhelming yet Calming

oil on wood panel  $1250

“With extra time in the evenings, we’ve enjoyed more time outside settling around a fire
and just chilling and appreciating where we are.
Grateful and staying positive.”

New Day

mixed media on wood panel, triptych $2400

“This storm will pass, has been my mantra this fall/election season.
Being in my studio and the process of making marks and laying down layers of paint has been my constant.
Today is a new day and new hope is alive and waiting in the wings.
The top layer of botanical silhouettes represent renewed hope.”

Navigating the Universe

acrylic on carved wood panel  $2800

Like tears from the sky
emotions are flowing
and the rain comes in

Listening to their heart
a man and a woman
are navigating the universe
towards the light

When the rain touches the sun
they know
somewhere there is a rainbow
                                 Joelle C.

Reconnecting – The Seed of Peace

acrylic on carved wood panel  $2800

Touching the earth
Finding balance

To the song of birds and the forest
To the teacher’s guidance
Simply listening

From Heaven to Earth
Planting the seed of peace
One heart at a time 
                                 Joelle C.

This is an homage, not only to my yoga teacher who took us to a clearing in the forest
to practice yoga in the open air in the midst of nature, but to all the teachers who have found
ways to keep the flame of knowledge alive, helping us to navigate through this difficult time with clarity.
Each time we were practicing yoga, we created a mandala on the earth in the middle of our circle…

Hawaiian Tropic Bird I

block printing and acrylic on wood panel  $200

Hawaiian Tropic Bird II

block printing and acrylic on wood panel  $200

Hawaiian Tropic Bird III

block printing and acrylic on wood panel  $200

“Koa’e kea, or white-tailed tropicbird, captures prey by diving 50 feet or more.
They nest in hard-to-reach places on cliffs, caves and tree hollows.
I love their elegant, simple shape, long tail and wide wings.
Only one subspecies breeds in Hawai’i. A single egg is laid per season.”

Cyanic Pelagea

alcohol ink, linoleum cut, resin on wood panel $1200


alcohol ink, linoleum cut, resin on wood panel  $1200

“Everybody’s idea of what social distancing is, is different. 
Our actions are the ripple effect; it spreads more than we believe.”

Your Requests Have Been Heard And Answered

mixed media on wood panel $650

“2020 has been an extreme “tear-down” of a year for me.
It has required that I review, renew, re-think, retreat and even retire certain parts of myself.
Some weeks, I felt like all I did was hit brick walls of self-manufactured suffering,
other weeks have been so LIBERATING and full of expansion.
I am reinventing myself in so many ways, it’s requiring more courage than I knew I had.
Let’s just say that this time is messy and I’m learning to be O.K. with that. 🙂
Through it all, I have felt supported by an unseen force, and for this, I’m grateful.”

Season of Gratitude

acrylic on wood panel  $1200

“Wear Gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life.”

Bundle of Nerves

acrylic on wood panel  $390

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

acrylic on wood panel  $390

Cover Your Mouth Please

acrylic on wood panel  $390

Number Noise I

mixed media on wood panel, 12 x 12  $550

Number Noise II

mixed media on wood panel, 12 x 12  $550

“Statistics and overwhelm have become daily companions as the pandemic drags on.
These paintings contain typical daily briefings of the number of new cases,
hospitalizations, and other graphs we are inundated with in Hawai’i.
If you look closely, you will also see several representations of lungs,
and the Covid-19 sphere itself. It was my intention to create a harmonious composition
amidst the number noise, so I used graphic marks and the colors blue and green
to lend order and peace to the work.”

new cases
total cases
cases by race
cases by age
number noise
dreadfully beautiful ball

All One Color

oil on wood panel $1200

“Ho’okāhi wai o ka like, is a Hawaiian proverb that resonates so strongly for me right now.
It simply means all one color, we are all the same blood, the blood of humanity.
This is such a powerful lesson many people still need to learn and live by.
As an artist, I will always strive to use my art as a vehicle to communicate
love, tolerance, acceptance and equality.”

Wield The Paddles Together

oil on wood panel $1200

“Ho’okāhi ka ‘ilau like ana means “wield the paddles together”.
I love the impact of the image of this proverb. Together we can accomplish much,
build each other up, support one another, for as a community
we are the ship that can sail through the roughest of seas.”

Song of Life #7

printmaking ink, clay on wood panel  $1150

“As an artist, I consider myself very lucky to be able to cope with this pandemic.
Self isolation is nothing new.  All I have to do is to keep creating new work.
I focus my creative energy on seeing the positive side of life
which lifts my spirit up, especially during these hard times.”

They Grow Up Fast

watercolor and cold was on wood panel $650

“Due to the Covid travel advisory, we will be spending the holiday
without our children who live on the mainland.
The tricycle symbolizes innocence, youth, and fun times.
But without the children, there is a melancholy feeling to this year’s celebration.
Although the sun shines on Maui, bringing light to warm our spirits,
there remains the shadow of loneliness.
This honors all the families who have had to adjust to the missing people in their lives.”

Locked Up

watercolor and cold was on wood panel $650

“Restrictions are something we have all learned to live with this past year.
In response to the Covid “Lock Down” we have not had our usual dinner parties
or events to free us from the confines of our own company.
Although we have enjoyed the outdoors and are grateful to live on Maui,
there are times when I feel locked out or locked in. However, I am free to express my thoughts
in my artwork and there are many paintings inside of me worth unlocking.”

Selfie 20/20

plastic paper and ink on wood panel $486.47

“The year of the pandemic has giving all of us a year of reflection and accountability —
a year to relate to a new normal and what will it become.
A year to try to change my thinking from an absolute to relative.
A year to examine the many conversations on racism, gender equality, Covid-19,
climate change, political division, and to practice a respect for one another.
Also it has been a very creative year with my art and a new direction that has evolved,
creating an exciting new display of fun and 3D work.
2020 will be a year that everyone will never forget.”

The Wall –

mixed media on wood panel $486.47

“The physical wall represents the exact opposite of what the Statue of Liberty symbolizes.

The wall has become a metaphor for many aspects of what this country has become.

The wall in economic and social equality, the wall in social justice,
the wall in education, the wall in gender freedom and the wall in our political system.
If we want to move forward, we need to take the bricks out of the wall
and make a path to a fair and bright future.”

Stay Home, Hunker Down

oil on wood panel  $425

Our little family of three,
Keeping each other company.

Patiently waiting for the new year,
Lucky for us its pretty here.

Secret Garden

mixed media with fused glass, torchwork, mirror, copper on panel $1600

‘Secret Garden’ expresses the beauty found in both a hideaway
escape and a rich, peaceful meditation on new growth.
Implicit are new buds and eventual / inevitable return
to the full flowering of ourselves and community.


acrylic on wood panel  $950

“Hope for the future, the environment, democracy, humanity, and this beautiful earth!”


acrylic on wood panel $950

“Laughter in this moment so you can stay in the present to see
that we are still lucky to be here despite the tragedy surrounding us.”


mixed, artist made paper on wood panel $300

“Throughout my experience of living in Hawai’i, words from ‘olelo Hawai’i,
or the Hawaiian language, have illuminated certain truths or conditions.
A recent huaka’i, or journey, to Haleakala resulted in many gifts,
one of them being a brochure on Haleakala National Park in which,
as expected, there was much about the physical attributes of the area.
I was especially impressed with the inclusion of a section highlighting our host culture,
about the word Kuleana, and how everyone visiting this special, even sacred,
place had a responsibility as to their conduct there.
I realized that the concept could and should be expanded to include
the responsibility we have more acutely than ever, for others.
We’re at that place where we wish everyone could feel Kuleana,
so that we may more quickly get through the pandemic.”

Blue Ukulele

photograph with pastel pencil on wood panel  $250

My uke is blue and I have to say
Me too, with all my friends, we cannot play
We are all waiting for COVID to go away!

We are Na Kupuna O Ko’olau
A group of happy ukulele players, singers &
dancers that seek to WOW
We gathered often with our group of Kupuna friends
Never thinking that it all could end

COVID came and whisked this all away
Very sad we have to say
We are all blue and missing each other
Hoping that we will soon be together!

Pu’unene Mill I

encaustic on wood panel  $425

Pu’unene Mill II

encaustic on wood panel $425

“I think that the Covid crisis has changed everyone’s priorities. We really appreciate
our friends that we can’t see very often and children that can’t travel for the holidays.
I am spending more time in the studio, as many organizations are not doing fundraisers
which usually require many hours of my time. I loved the rusty parts from the Pu’unene Mill
and incorporated them into an encaustic piece. I have taken over a portion of my husband’s shop
and used his tools for completing this piece. They look good together.”

Paia Reflections

oil on canvas over wood panel  $1400

“Remembering busier nights, full capacity, and the gathering of friends.”

New Life

oil on canvas over wood panel  $1400

“New life brings new hope.”


oil on canvas over wood panel  $1400

“The rainbow is a promise of God’s faithfulness.”

Last Light

oil on wood panel  $2200

“Sometimes the moments after the sun sets are even more colorful than the actual sunset itself.
I love the play of light and color on the ocean in the afterglow.”

Evening Dance, Waipoli Road

oil on wood panel  $2200

“There is nothing more peaceful than a walk up Waipoli Road at sunset.
Bathed in colored light, the clouds, sky and pasture are in perfect harmony.”

Maliko Gulch II

watercolor on paper over wood panel  $850

“I’ll never forget seeing Maliko Gulch from the air for the first time.
I knew it as a major geographic feature of Maui that runs from above Makawao
to the ocean but I hadn’t anticipated its abundance, its lively curves and depths, its mystery.
There is something cornucopia-like in the way it spreads open at points,
looking like it is spilling forth a show of vegetation.
Focusing on painting our beautiful island, especially from a new vantage point,
has been a good way to remove oneself from the ongoing troubles of 2020.”

Pu’unene Post Office

watercolor on paper over wood panel  $850

“The old post office in Pu’unene is one of Maui’s many links to the past.
It has a patina of red dirt and I am beguiled by the old industrial landscape that lies behind it.
Its presence provides a sense of constancy during a time of much upheaval and change.”

Quarantine Leaves V

watercolor on paper over wood panel  $850

“I started painting watercolors of leaves that were from my yard and from a few potted plants
during the many homebound days of 2020. While I was looking and thinking about painting them,
I came across a line by the poet Walt Whitman, “I am large, I contain multitudes.”
I found myself saying silently to the leaves before me “You contain multitudes.”

Take Time to Smell the Plumeria

oil on wood panel  $1400

“2020 has truly provided time to reflect.  Time to pause.  Time to treasure. 
A reminder that time is precious.  Time is fleeting.  THIS MOMENT.”

Random Acts

oil on wood panel  $1400

“Seeing the aloha and inspiration borne of random acts of kindness…
reminded me of the joy in giving.
Though 2020 has been challenging in so many ways, the folks giving the most
seem to be the ones receiving the most.  This piece was done in tribute to them.”

August Evening in Makawao Town

oil on wood panel  $925

“The energy of this little cowboy town just keeps on humming along, all thru the hard times.
It is the crossroads from the jungle lush Haiku to lands of Upcountry. Here the air is fresh and clean.
I enjoy painting the charming scenes come rain or shine. Many of my ancestors enjoyed
the town in the bygone days. This evening that I painted, this scene was a special surprise, 
an amazing sunset! It was unplanned and one of the finest gifts from nature under the umbrella. 
I set off to paint a nocturne in front of Komoda Bakery and was so blessed. How blessed we are!”

Pau Hana

oil on panel  $750


oil on panel  $750

The Race

oil on wood panel  $1150

“I chose to paint the ocean canoe paddlers that we all see loving and immersing 
themselves in our ocean waters. My family has always been very involved with ocean sports 
for as long as I remember.  The 2020 pandemic at times forced us all to reflect on the possibility of 
not being able to even sit on a beach and soak up nature. So this painting is a celebration of the ocean 
all around and how important it is to those of us fortunate enough to live here in Hawai’i; it is such a gift to us.”

Ching Store

oil on wood panel  $1150

“I chose to paint Ching Store because of the quaintness and timelessness of the place.  
When I am visiting that area I really feel the presence of those who have come before me; 
we have had so many waves of immigrant workers to move to Maui and Ching Store represents that idea. 
Over 30 years ago,I stepped into that little market to buy a pheasant hat band from the owner who made them as a hobby.”

The Now Normal Calls – SIMPLIFY

mixed media on wood panel  $990

“I have come to describe this pandemic as ‘The Now Normal’, 
forcing me to stay in the present moment – a gift through this challenging time we are living in together. 
The simplicity of how our local banana plants grow remind me of our basic important need for community, 
and that which brings humanity serenity. Banana plants are like friends who root us in reality. 
They are designed to focus on the immediacy of our basic and primary needs, 
and reduce each other banana tree’s collective stress by how they facilitate shelter, 
one plant to another from current conditions and daily details of life. 
They have a plan in living this complicated life, which could serve us all well, too — that is to simplify!”

The Now Normal Calls – LIFE

mixed media on wood panel  $990

“I have come to describe this pandemic as ‘The Now Normal’, 
forcing me to stay in the present moment – a gift through this challenging time we are living in together. 
The #2 State bird of Hawaii, the chicken, is the definition of life itself, representing all our most basic 
senses and needs – breath, eat, feel, fertilization, hear, rest, see, smell, taste, think and touch. 
These fundamental life behaviors, especially living in the here and now, 
remind me that I can always begin again, even when things get tough. 
And, chickens are a little silly too, so they always cheer me up and 
easily allow me to be in gratitude in any given moment, which is a huge gift.”

West Maui Summer Sunset

oil on wood panel, triptych  $2700

“While the world is now in a state of confusion and uncertainty, 
I find the constancy of sunrise and sunset a calming presence in my life. 
The promise of a new day and recognition of a day spent. 
Universal feelings shared by fellow travelers in this temporary life, 
all expressed with such magnificence in the colors of nature.”

Fleeting Moments – ‘Blessings, Ukumehame Valley’

oil on wood panel  $1850

“The valleys of Maui have a lot of Hawaiian history.
Watching the rainbow fade away gives me such an awareness 
of the beauty and promises we have here on Maui.”

Fleeting Moments – ‘Distance at Baldwin Beach’

oil on wood panel $1850

“For a short time, the pandemic prevented beach gatherings, but allowed single walkers.
Seeing Baldwin Beach empty was a very strong statement of the reality of the pandemic.”

Taking Oma Out To Sea

oil on wood panel  $750

“My wife’s mom passed on in early November at the age of 95. A friend took her spirit out to sea. 
The sunrise was from behind us. The colors at the western horizon were ones I had never seen before. 
There is something quieting about passing on by natural causes in her own time.”

Fleeting Moments – ‘November 1st, Sunrise’

oil on wood panel  $1850″

November 1st, 2020,  Sunrise over Haleakala lit the Mauna Kahālāwai 
while casting the shadow of Haleakala across the mountain range. 
Simultaneously, the full moon was setting.  
This was also the second full moon during the month of October, 2020. 
It was an astonishing few minutes of viewing.”

Weathering 2020 – Hovering

acrylic on wood panel  $1400

Weathering 2020 – Blowing By

acrylic on wood panel  $1400

Weathering 2020 – Kahakuloa

acrylic on wood panel  $1400

“I have always been drawn to the drama of stormy weather.
Growing up in South Florida before moving to Maui, I experienced almost daily
powerful thunderstorms that would darken the sky. When I was first on Maui,
windsurfing in the shadow of the West Maui Mountains, 
I kept thinking there were thunderstorms on the horizon
when catching a glimpse of the dark cliffs out of the corner of my eye.

Living upcountry with amazing ocean views, I study and revel in the passing storms.
They bring color and contrast and ever changing artistic challenges.

The metaphor “Weathering the Storm” – Storm = 2020 is almost too obvious.
2020 has been a year of quiet, personal growth and ultimately a time of hope and change.”

Young Voyagers

oil on wood panel  $1400

“Ho’oulu Ka ‘Ike, to grow with knowledge.
My Natalie has gone from ballet before the pandemic to the steerswoman
for Hawaiian Outrigger Voyaging Society’s remote learning center.
What an amazing opportunity and what a wonderful young lady
to be completely open to the full bounty of this group of people
who are sharing their knowledge and rich culture with her.

As a result of an invitation I received, that I was able to take advantage of
because of the pandemic, Natalie and I were introduced to the joy of paddling
and adopted into the family of the wa’a.
She has had the opportunity to be mentored by Anela,
a woman I have much admiration and respect for.
This ‘ohana has lavished love and true gifts on her. My heart overflows with joy that
she is of a substance to receive and appreciate genuine riches when they’re offered to her.”

The Fish Prince

oil on wood panel  $1250
“Beauty from chaos is a thread woven through history. 
2020 has continued the truth of this in my life, art, and experience during this pandemic. 
I had a choice, as I’ve had many times in my past, to set my focus on fear or to recognize 
and embrace the challenge of tumultuous waters ahead – keeping my focus 
on my destination, resting and refueling when the opportunity was presented, 
and reentering the fray with joy and excitement. 
At a time in my 46 years on this planet when I most needed and was ready 
for a respite from a chaotic life, I was given the opportunity to stop and breathe. 
A very special person introduced me to paddling and invited me into a big, loving ‘ohana. 
After months of learning the artistry of moving a canoe over the water, 
my youngest daughter and I went on our first voyage. We had a lovely day of paddling, 
with my sweet girl steering the first leg of the journey, something I do not have the skills to do yet. 
We camped and the next morning left shore to return home. 
Minutes out, we found ourselves in the middle of a school of flying fish. 
These past months I’ve found myself deeply in love with the ocean, rising happily at 4 a.m. 
to paddle in the dark. Kanaloa, the god of the sea, takes on the form of many sea creatures. 
When this sparkling prince took flight, bedecked in his richest jewels,  
and flew right in front of my face, I fancied I’d almost brushed lips with my true love.”

Kanaloa’s Prize

oil on wood panel $1250

“My first canoe voyage – actual longer than 2 hours, stayed overnight,
returned the next morning voyage – was a couple of weeks ago.
Coming home we found ourselves in front of a surprise set of waves near Ma’alaea Harbor.
Freight Trains (local name for this particular area) swamped our boat and the first wave
took 5 paddles that had been stowed behind the steersman seat for crew changes.
Everything after that was an excellent opportunity for survival training.
We ended up paddling a canoe that was entirely overturned, into the harbor.

My paddle was claimed by the sea. Before voyaging, we ask permission,
we chant respect to our ancestors and give thanks to the gods. We paddle with respect.
We beach the canoe and move it with the same respect we would show our loved ones.
My paddle that went missing was a gift from the same lovely and loving person
who had invited me to paddle a few months into the pandemic.

I was a little heartbroken at the loss of the paddle for a few short minutes after I realized it was gone.
Life has shown me so many times what is important, where the true riches are.
The paddle was tangible and infinitely replaceable. The true riches are the family of the wa’a
and every second that I have the heart-soaring honor of being on the ocean.

So, Kanaloa’s Prize. The fabric of truth and beauty is found in every culture.
Having the privilege to learn the Hawaiian stories has been a beautiful experience.
I think for me, on this voyage, the god of the ocean was the pause before embarking on this adventure,
the setting my entire being at one with the experiences to come, and the reminder of where my true treasure lies.

And the paddle on the side of this painting, slipping out of his tentacle?
Of the 5 paddles washed overboard, we were only able to retrieve my daughter’s loaner paddle.”

Hut Ho!

oil on wood panel  $925

The Puzzle Is..

oil on wood panel $925

“How to capture three dimensions into two, how to freeze motion
and how to render the way in which light falls across an object.
All this while expressing the reason the scene caught your attention in the first place.
Then there’s the childish fun of smearing a gooey blob of luxurious paint
on a canvas and seeing what comes off the backside of the brush.
It doesn’t get old.”

Napili Bay at Rest

oil on wood panel $390

“During the several months of living with Covid, Napili Bay has been in a calm state of rest and recovery.
There have been no boats and very few people. Most mornings I would walk down the hill to the Bay
and take a long swim. At most, there would be a couple of other swimmers doing the same thing,
and over the months we all became friends. Often turtles of various sizes and shapes would hang out
in the tide pools shown in the foreground of the painting. It was as if both the Bay
and those of us fortunate enough to have access were enjoying a rejuvenation of spirit.”

Ready To Go!

acrylic on wood panel  $800

“Often with a day at the beach, this sight is taken for granted. But when needed, these “silent heroes” are ready to go at a moment’s notice to keep us safe. A special Mahalo to our lifeguards. This tower is on the Green Trees section of Ho’okipa Beach Park.”

Cold Rinse

oil on wood panel $1100

“A long walk along the beach, followed by a cold shower has always been a favorite pastime of mine.
I treasure this activity even more in 2020.”


oil on wood panel $900

“This is a plein air painting I started at 2 pm at Makena Landing. While painted during Covid,
there were a few people in the water and on the Landing. At 3:30 a woman asked politely
if she could view the work, and I welcomed her inquiry. From 3:30 to 6 pm she and her husband
talked story about having grown up in Paia, and about the places around where I now live.
Sometimes the conversations are worth staying put for, along with the view!”

Mama’s Fish House

oil on canvas panel  $900

“This is a plein air painting I did in October 2020. I felt so fortunate to paint the scene
during the time that Mama’s was closed due to Covid, as it was so tranquil.
Many beachgoers stopped to look. Afterwards I took a nice, refreshing swim
and have made this beach one of my top three “secret spots” to paint and swim.
The underwater rocks to the bottom right, warm up the shallow water, and the marine life is gorgeous!”


watercolor on a NOAA nautical map on wood panel  $850

“Sailing is a form of freedom, a voyage without destination, the wind being the main director.
This nautical map painting will give you a sense of ease.
On the tropical island of Lana’i, pineapples are gold, and Cook pines are growing strong
while horses are running free. The spirit of Aloha is there to welcome you with a flower lei at Manele Bay.”


watercolor on a NOAA nautical map on wood panel  $850

“Moloka’i is an island with a rich history and breathtaking landscape.
A peninsula of hope and light, a shelter of gratitude under the protection of Father Damien.
His memory standing proud on the edge of Moloka’i’s most striking cliff…
The residents of Moloka’i use what the land has to offer.
Raising shrimps, harvesting coconuts and watering taro,
following the cycle of the sun and the soft rhythm of the tradewinds.”

Wake Me In 2021

watercolor and gouache on paper over wood panel  $550

“2020 has been the strangest year of my life with political unrest, climate crises
bringing horrific fires and floods and, of course, Covid-19, causing fear and isolation.
I see turtles sleeping on the beach and sometimes wish I could just close my eyes and sleep
until this year is done and move on with new hopes and a positive outlook for 2021.”

Gone Bananas!

watercolor and gouache on paper over wood panel  $550

“This is the year that people seemed to have lost all their common sense.
Who could blame them with all the hyperbolic political disagreements,
intense weather patterns and a deadly pandemic.
Lies and suspicions permeated the country and people seemed to
choose what to believe randomly with no justification.
The whole country seemed to have just gone bananas!”

The Promise I

acrylic compound, kozo paper and oil on panel  $1000

The Promise II

acrylic compound, kozo paper and oil on panel  $1000

“This ongoing series documents this present moment in history
where we are seeing the confluence of a worldwide pandemic,
the uprising of the disenfranchised, and the example of
quiet heroes like the iconic protestor Aysha Evans.
The hope of what lies ahead beyond the pandemic and inequality is the promise of
America as yet unfulfilled but always sailing towards freedom and a better world.”

Song of Life #3

mixed media with clay on panel  $950

Song of Life #4

mixed media with clay on panel $950

“As an artist, I consider myself very lucky to be able to cope with this pandemic.
Self isolation is nothing new. All I have to do is to keep creating new work.
I focus my creative energy on seeing the positive side of life
which lifts my spirit up especially during these hard times.”

Pu’u Maile

oil on panel  $400

Cinder cone in Haleakala Crater, closest to Kapala’oa Cabin.
She stands at 7,401 feet above sea level. One of my favorite places in the crater.
I love riding horses into the crater and around the cinder cone closest to Paliku, called O’ili Pu’u.

“In these pandemic times of 2020, a year to go down in history,
I find it so comforting to paint and recall my adventures in beloved Haleakala Crater.
It is a place that inspires the mind, body and spirit by its majestic beauty.
The colors and atmosphere is what it’s all about to me. Standing next to
cinder cones where my ancestors have stood, gives me a sense of belonging.
They rode horses up from Makawao, thru the Crater and down the Gap to get to Kaupo.
Pu’u o Pele, Pu’u o Maui, Ka Lua o ka O’o and Pu’u Maile are all so amazing,
but O’ili Pu’u , something about the purple and grays that make that one my favorite.
It is a blessing to be able to appreciate Maui during these times of emotional stress for many,
Maui is a place for renewal and rebirth along with giving strength with each sunrise.”

The Now Normal Calls – GRACE

mixed media on panel  $700

“I have come to describe this pandemic as ‘The Now Normal,’
forcing me to stay in the present moment –
a gift through this challenging time we are living in together.

The Nene, a goose endemic to the Hawaiian Islands,
arrived about 500,000 years ago just after the islands’ formation.
The Nene is one of nature’s magical forms of beauty with its head held up high.
The Nene reminds me that I too can live in simplicity, and enrich my life with
virtuous charity, poise, dignity, ease, elegance,
and a willingness to live in grace, just like the Hawaiian Nene.”


mixed media with clay on panel  $439.50

“Love can save us from ourselves. The pandemic of 2020 has awakened a
much needed conversation on unequal relationships of race, gender disparities,
a lack of a strong leadership, and the absence of  inclusiveness.
It is now the time to celebrate a hope for a healthy and prosperous future.
A common goal of imaging we are all together for the greater good.”

Self Quarantine

mixed media on panel  $439.75

“With some visitors not following the Covid-19 guidelines in place by the Governor
and violating our mandatory 14 day quarantine, it puts at risk all island residents.
If you have been exposed, you have to be responsible and do your part to flatten the curve.
Self-quarantine is for the greater good of all.”

Life Renewed

mixed media on wood panel  $1400

“Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, I, like many others,
found that the busy pace of my life slowed significantly.
Suddenly there was time to plant and maintain a vegetable garden-
a collaborative effort with my partner which also brought new life to our relationship.
I also began taking long bike rides with a friend several times a week.
I felt calmer, happier, more inspired. On one of my bike rides
I discovered a beautiful treasure on the ground that I could not ignore;
it was the piece of rusted metal that is now the central focus of this work of art.
Holding this rust in my hand, a question came to mind, 

How have I gotten rusty?

I realized that my pre-COVID busyness had caused me to lose my connection
to things that mattered to me. When was the last time I had allowed myself time
to really relax and replenish? Working the soil, planting, watering, and witnessing
the sprouting of new life became my daily meditation. I became intimate with
each and every one of the plants I tended and became acutely aware of the
myriad life forms that arrived to partake of the bounty, as well. I was fascinated
by the daily comings and goings of bees, butterflies, and earthworms
that I hadn’t taken the time to notice before. Interestingly, being in lockdown
didn’t feel restrictive to me. If anything, I felt freer than I had in a long, long time.
I rarely had to drive my car; if I needed to go somewhere in the general vicinity,
I hopped on my bike, and that pattern has continued to this day.
The ebb and flow of busyness has increased since March, but the fresh
perspective gained during the global quietude imbues all my decisions now.

This piece is my way of expressing the sense of new life growing through ‘rust’
– the parts of myself that had grown stagnant. The foundation is a mixed media collage
created from pages torn from my planner, a symbolic representation
of the hectic schedule underlying and contributing to the rust.
To emphasize the point I placed the tabs from each month around the perimeter of the piece,
starting in March and running through November, with the 3rd, voting day, circled in gold pen.
The new growth coming up through the rust is constructed from copper wire and 36 gauge
“copper sheets that I cut into leaf shapes and embossed before adding a blue green patina.”

Nesting World

encaustic collage on panel  $480

“We have a response-ability to ourselves and each other to do what we can to stay healthy.
Being home and avoiding crowds is one such response to the Covid.
My time “nesting” has given me an opportunity to observe the nuances in the
patterns of nature and changing seasons with a deeper appreciation for the natural world.”


acrylic on recycled homemade paper over panel  $650

“During lockdown what I longed for most was a connection to nature.
We were not allowed access to the forest, and this was particularly hard on me.
I missed the magic of Spring, the vastness and the sense of peace
that comes from being surrounded by majestic trees, taking in their energy,
listening to the wind in the growing leaves and the cheerful bird songs…
this place where I feel at one with nature.”


acrylic on recycled homemade paper over panel  $650

“Always amazed by Nature’s creations, splashing its bright colors all around,
offering abundance and beauty. Take care of mother Earth and she will give it back to you.”


acrylic on recycled homemade paper over panel  $650

“Always amazed by Nature’s creations, splashing its bright colors all around,
offering abundance and beauty. Take care of Mother Earth and she will give it back to you.”

Time To Cross The Threshold

multi media acrylic & collage on panel  $450

“Praying for heavenly assistance for all beings.”


oil on panel  $950

Iao Valley Sky on Fire

acrylic on panel  $850

Thick and Thin

oil on wood panel, 10 x 10  $1400

Hale A Kala

oil on wood panel  $1400

Heart in Hand

ceramics on panel  $450


watercolor on paper over panel  $1600


watercolor on paper over panel  $1600

Haleakala High Altitude Observatory Site

watercolor on paper over panel  $600

“Because there was very little coming and going from Maui for 7 months,
I became more aware that we are on a small island.
But I felt as though I had visited another world when I went to the summit.
It is completely unlike any other part of Maui. Its other-worldly aspects
are a welcome respite to our familiar lives at much lower altitudes.
It seems a bit of a miracle to me that I could get to the top by car in under two hours
and could feel planets away. Seeing the Observatory buildings strewn across the
lunar-looking landscape, I am reminded of the miracle of modern scientific exploration.”


watercolor on paper over panel  $600

“As the strictest lockdowns of the pandemic on Maui were being felt,
we were still allowed to use the beaches for exercise.
Even though we couldn’t sit and enjoy the beach or congregate with friends,
access to the shoreline and ocean at various points was still allowed.
I was grateful that our local officials understood that getting to
Maui’s water and shores is vital to us.
Baldwin Beach Park where this lifeguard tower sits,
provides an oasis where one can recover joy and gratitude.”

Ching Store

watercolor on paper over panel  $600

“Too many Maui businesses have permanently shut down since the pandemic,
unable to pay rent or cover their many overhead  costs.
The Ching Store meanwhile has weathered many eras and changes
but still stands in all its old fashioned simplicity.
The historic storefront provides a kind of reassurance that we can get through all this.”

Approach to Maui

watercolor on paper over panel  $600

“There were points during the lockdown when the stresses, questions,
and constraints of our frightening situation felt almost unbearable.
The amount of change and unknowables that happened
in such a short amount of time made me feel very fragile.
Being able to work on paintings and to focus on something
that was unrelated to the pandemic was transporting.
When I would try to float above the anxieties, it was easy to see
that we were still on a beautiful island where the world
could once again seem manageable,
peaceful and – at least temporarily – constant.”

Resting in the Light

encaustic on panel  $390

“During this time that feels ominous and uncertain, I often search for places of solace.
Fortunately for those of us who live in Maui, the beauty of the ‘aina offers much respite.
This piece is a reflection of what brings me comfort these days.
I continue to rest my heart in the light that calls out from beyond these dark skies.”

Sunset Skimboarding at Baldwin Beach

oil on panel  $750

“Outdoor activity is paramount in dealing with this pandemic!
Good for the mind, body and soul.”

Ho’okipa Rinse

oil on panel  $750

“I am so thankful that Governor Ige allowed outdoor exercise
and ocean activities and considered it essential to our well being.
Getting outdoors has been the best therapy for overcoming
my fears and anxiety during this pandemic.”

Grateful to:

Swim in the ocean
Surf the waves
Fish along the shore
Walk our neighborhoods
Hike our forests
Don’t sit and socialize
Just enjoy and keep moving
Once again

Lucky We Live Hawai’i!

Fish On Line

oil on panel  $750

Hana Hideaway

oil on panel  $1400

“During this pandemic, Maui has so much natural beauty
to occupy our senses with wonderful clean air for deep breaths.
On the way to Hamoa beach, there are lava cliffs and enclosed black sand beaches.
There are interesting rock formations off the coastline.
We are so fortunate to live on Maui and be nourished by this island.”

Aloha Pumehana ka hale o Makena

oil on panel  $1400

“Driving around Maui during this social distancing,
enjoy the space and beauty of Makena.
Nearing the end of the road, go for a swim and snorkel,
enjoy long walks on Big Beach, admire the old beach houses.
We are in a good place.”

‘Warm aloha for the house in Makena’

The Now Normal Calls – AS IS

mixed media on panel  $700

“I have come to describe this pandemic as ‘The Now Normal,’
forcing me to stay in the present moment –
a gift through this challenging time we are living in together.”
The Pacific Ocean that we are surrounded by, is a
constant teacher to pay attention, and life is ever-changing.
Just like the ocean and through these uncertain, rough times,
I too must learn to roll with what life deals me.
Regularly connecting with the water around our beautiful island of Maui
builds an intention in my soul to allow, appreciate and be in the moment
with joy, oneness, as well as remain open, present and steadfast as I welcome
in the unknown, knowing in my heart that everything will be okay.”

Black Rock Duet II

Black Rock Duet II

acrylic on panel, diptych  $1200

“This diptych painting was inspired by swimming with 2 beautiful
majestic turtles at Black Rock with my son.
When I painted this I went to one of my favorite places
to paint it by the sea as I watched my son surf.”

Second Wave

oil on panel  $1100

“Hearing so much about this COVID crisis,
and each huge WAVE of  ever-increasing numbers,
I painted the “Second Wave” . . . one of little light in a dark night.
Then “New Wave,” one of hope and light in a new dawn . . .
here’s hoping we all can ride this one together.”

New Wave

oil on panel  $1100

Pae i ka nalu ‘surf rider’

mixed media, resin on panel  $690

“Watching the wing surfers fly across the ocean.
It’s quiet, strong, peaceful, away from everything.”

Summer Dew

alcohol ink, mixed media, resin on panel  $690

“Early in the morning, before the day gets hot,
I see morning dew on the plants as I take my walk.
Magnification of colors, designs and shapes.
Lucky me, just for me, inspire me.”


mixed media on panel  $900

“These pieces are responses to our current times.
In response I ask for all to kokua (take care) of yourselves,
each other and the planet, to name a few.
It is important to look for solutions and answers or ways of being
that help to raise out spirits and awareness when we are being challenged.
If we all take a moment in each day to kokua the ripple effect can be enormous.”


mixed media on panel  $900

“Maluhia means peace.
May we find peace within first, then seek it, create it, and foster it beyond ourselves.”

Self Portrait of Artist with Ideas Swimming Through Her Head

encaustic collage on panel  $480

“So many ideas swim through my head. Some I paint as a reflection
of what I see and feel, while others are abstractions or impressions.
Each day I challenge myself to remain open and curious. Curious about the world,
curious about change, and how I impact others and my environment.
Curiosity keeps me from getting stale, both in my personal life with my values,
beliefs and behaviors, and, therefore, with my art.
I work in several mediums to stay challenged with creativity.
There are days when I feel like a block head and nothing wants to formulate.
Then there are others when ideas flow, landing onto the paper,
canvas or board effortlessly. (I hope I have way more of these days!)”

YOLO… You Only Live Once

mixed media on panel  $441.75

“Everyone wants their life to matter.
I hope the life I live is one that I can be proud of.
As 2020 has givien our normal way of living
A new set of unprecedented challenges you have
To make the best efforts you can to carry on and live your life.
Remember you are born, you live, and you die; this is not a dress rehearsal.”

I Miss Seeing Your Face

mixed media on panel  $441.75

“Following State guidelines of the emergency health demands;
Washing your hands, social distancing, gatherings of no more than 5 people,
and wearing a mask to flatten the curve. The mask has become a tremendous
Isolator, no seeing peoples’ expressions. It deletes all facial communication
and feelings and subtle messages like a frown or a smile. 2020 has given us
a new normal in communication.”

Practice Art of Appreciation

stoneware with ceramic glazes on panel  $280

“Slow to Love…there is something to be said
for slowing down the world
gifting us time & quiet to hear
heartbeats and love one’s self
to practice art of appreciation”

We Can Do It!

kiln-formed glass on panel  $500

“In the early days of the pandemic, when face masks for our first line responders were scarce,
Jennifer Oberg organized a group and within two days $21,000 was raised for materials.
Seabury Hall stepped up to provide the safe space to cut, assemble and sew.
10,000 medical-grade masks we made by an amazing group of volunteers.
It was very inspiring to be a part of this group. It is sad to see how
polarized and politicized the simple act of wearing a mask has become.”

Makena Afternoon

oil on panel  $1400

“I so love the beauty of Hawai’i.
During this pandemic, the beauty of these islands and
all of the space that we enjoy makes us feel even more blessed.
Enjoying Makena at sunset brings even more options
for enjoyment in all directions.”

Greener Pasture

acrylic on panel  $850

“Overcast early morning skies contrast against
the rolling green pastures in Peahi…
I’ve always been fascinated with hills and obscured vistas.
A little promise of something hidden… perhaps something wonderful.”


acrylic on panel  $850

“Early during Maui’s shutdown, we were still able to surf,
bike or run but our beach parks were closed.
I missed seeing the ocean. My route took me down the closed
beach road that accesses Ka’a Point and Kanaha
early in the mornings. These rugged, windswept,
craggy shrubs stood watch over the empty beaches
which were not visible from the road.”

Anuenue O Aloha

oil on panel  $1400

“I looked out of my studio in the morning, and the
Jacaranda tree had a rainbow hovering over it.
To me, that promises that everything will be fine.”

Shellter in Place

oil on panel  $850

I tend to side with the wisdom of nature over man.
The honu are a beautiful reflection of that patient wisdom,
as they have been witness to the follies of man for
thousands of years. They carry their strength on their backs,
and they know laying on a sunny beach is a gift
that can not be surrendered.
‘Shellter in Place’ is my question to the viewer:
“What can you learn from nature about where your strength lies,
what your values are…What are you willing to sacrifice, and what you will not?”


acrylic on panel  $850

“Pono – do the right thing – A sentiment that feels even more
relevant in today’s chaotic atmosphere. But what is the right thing?
Seemingly everyday a new message, often different, confusing.
This simple reminder, a painted stone, was found on the bike path
in Paia that has become my escape. Mahalo to whomever left it.”

Honopu Valley, Na Pali Coast

oil on panel  $1400

“How about practicing social distancing at Honopu?
Fresh water showers, shelter in an open cave, area accessible
only in the summer?  (note:  You do need camping permits).”

Serene View

oil on panel  $1100

“It’s wonderful that horses and other animals can be
so serene and go about their lives naturally,
regardless of what we humans are going through.
They’re always free of all angst and worry
when out on the range on the Ranch.”

Ocean Sunset

collagraph and encaustic on panel  $500

“Staying home during the covid pandemic has enabled me to
experiment more with various inks.
The island sunset is so peaceful amidst the everyday goings on.
Delicate layers and textures on delicate paper.”

Hala Layers

woodblock and encaustic on panel  $500

“I grew up on Maui and this is the first time there has been
an epidemic of this nature.  I found that spending time
in my studio is what gives me comfort.
Hala forms are often subject matter for my work.”


oil on panel  $750


Here Comes The Sun

oil on panel  $950

“The sun will rise again
And so will we.
Things will get greener.
Things will get warmer.
Everything will grow again
And so will we.”
-poem by Jennae Cecelia

2020 Hindsight

oil on wood panel  $1400


watercolor on paper over wood panel  $2200


watercolor on paper over wood panel  $2200


watercolor on paper over wood panel  $2200

Pu’u Ola’i

acrylic on wood panel  $850

Kaihalulu Meditation

oil on wood panel  $1400

Mystical Maui Sunset

oil on panel  $295

“At the point that we went into social isolation at home, I had been
living life in fast forward mode for a very long time.  As the days
became weeks without having to rush off to work, I spent a lot
more time admiring the view from my lanai in Napili.  Normally
Moloka’i is only partially visible with a cover of clouds on the top.
One evening I went out and saw this amazing scene of the top
of Moloka’i emerging from a rainbow of shades of orange
and yellow clouds.  The air was so clear and the
whole scene felt like a gift from the universe.”

Light in the Darkness

oil on panel  $1800

“The Sun is always shining, even when hidden from view.
This little painting is a metaphor for our higher self
– a reminder that like the sun, it is always present,
even during trying times such as these.”

The Bell Will Ring Again

oil on panel  $500

“The Yacht Club in Lahaina, Maui has a tradition that
whoever rings the bell must buy drinks for the house.
Like most restaurants during the Coronavirus it is low on
customers and the bell is hidden away somewhere.
The beautiful sunset felt like a promise that better days
were ahead and fun times in our future.”

The Now Normal Calls – RESILIENCE

acrylic on panel  $850

“I have come to describe this pandemic as ‘The Now Normal,
‘forcing me to stay in the present moment –
a gift through this challenging time we are living in together.
Palm trees remind me that I can weather any storm with flexibility,
tenacity, determination and grace. Rhythmically blowing in
our gusty Maui trade winds, palm trees guide me to live with an
intention of fortitude, strength, positivity, perseverance, elasticity,
determination, open to change, possibilities and alternatives,
forgiveness and responsibility, and an even greater
appreciation for the gift of wisdom.”

Up for Air

oil on panel  $750

“To swim with the turtles is a great escape to the past.”

Out of the Blue

oil on panel  $750

“In times of change some things are still frozen in time.”

Sunset Swim

oil on panel  $950

“Sunset swims at Baldwin beach (with my girls) have been a
daily routine. I’ve been in the ocean daily either with surfing
or swimming, sometimes twice a day taking advantage of some of
the best things available here on Maui during these unique times.”

Time Distortion

digital photo collage on panel  $220

“Time has seemed fluid lately; sometimes flying by, sometimes crawling.
The present moment is malleable.”

I Don’t Recognize This World

digital photo collage on panel  $220

“My first thoughts at the beginning of March:
I don’t recognize this world – time to  proceed with care. And caring.”

Perhaps A New Dawn

digital photo collage on panel  $220

“My hope is that we will emerge from the pandemic with
a new commitment to care for the planet and one another.”

“Digital photo collage is my way of working through the various internal states
brought on by the pandemic and self-isolation. In these pieces,
I can visually examine my feelings and find some healing through the process.”


kiln-formed glass on panel  $500

“One thing that this pandemic has made crystal clear is how
connected our world has become in more than one way.
A virus originating in China will travel the whole globe
within months and touch almost everyone’s life.
News and fake news will spread through the internet like wildfire.
A protest march starting in the US will echo around the world.
Social media connects with far-away friends.
Physical distancing and not being able to hug makes me feel blue.”


digital photo art on panel  $220

“Staying safe in the harbor – for now.”


digital photo art on panel  $220

“The music of bells in my garden soothes my fear.”

Growing Food

acrylic on panel  $585

“A garden is a magic blessing. Eating food you grow yourself is always nice.
In these times we realize how wonderful it truly is.”

Kolea Migration

acrylic on panel  $290

“This painting is of the winged migration of the Kolea or the Pacific Golden Plover.
They fly non stop from Hawai’i to Western Alaska; early fall in Hawai’i and
late April begin flight to Alaska. I believe this bird is a symbol of native
Hawaiian traditions and the reflection of the dangerous migration they endure
as a species to summer in Alaska. The wildlife that navigates its way over
the massive big blue ocean without stopping is impressive and a amazing feat.”

Rock Pile I

Rock Pile II

linoleum cut, resin on panel  $480 each

Can’t go to the paint studio.
Can’t print my linoleum at the Hui.
Can’t go out to play.
Stack my rocks. Balance. Resources=create.
I used the prints I discarded previously..funny how they seem important now.


Day 105 – Still Waiting…

mixed media on panel – resin covered  $500

“My 3rd piece in this series representing the different (days)
during the pandemic and how they affected my mental state.
Day 105 – Still Waiting…
At this point, I’m sort of in disbelief, wondering how long this will last,
slowly trying to emerge, but finding myself isolating again.
The antique watch faces, symbols representing just how
quickly and slowly time has been passing for me.”

Keeping Busy During a Quarantine

oil on panel  $850

Hawai’i Time

acrylic on panel  $290

“A painting of a male Kolea preparing for his voyage by
fattening up for the long voyage to Alaska from Hawai’i.
These birds travel together in a V formation and make sure
they eat enough to get them across the ocean.
During the current times of crisis; I think about how creatures
continue to live in their traditional patterns undisturbed by humans.”

Da Girls

acrylic on panel  $850

“I never knew how social hens are. These lovely girls come
and visit me whenever I step outside…
One morning after a visit when I was trying to work, they got pedicures…
If you’re gonna pester me, you’re gonna get painted toes.
They didn’t seem to mind. The dog wasn’t so thrilled.”

Good Morning My Friend

oil on panel  $650

“Our garden is happy to see me every day.  I don’t have to bring donuts.
I don’t even have to have a plan.  All I have to do is show up.
One thing leads to another…every time.”

Yumm – A Surprise Charcuterie Box Gift

acrylic on panel  $550

“What a nice surprise to receive a beautiful locally created
Charcuterie and Cheese Box from our son, Josh,
complete with tasty and gorgeous fruit and nuts.
Locally crafted sourcing local foods by @MauiLuxeCheese,
it embodies many of the themes we’ve been trying to achieve with
our eating during the long weeks of the Covid-19 spring and summer.”

Clear Night w/Stars

watercolor on panel  $750

Blue Sky w/Clouds

watercolor on panel  $750

“In good times and challenging times there are blue skies and clear nights… Look up!”


acrylic on panel  $500

“When asked to reflect upon
— what these times have meant to me —
for this mural project, I thought of the experience of
homeschooling my son during the pandemic.
My son is in the 6th grade at Waldorf, where the school’s
chief teaching tools are anything but high-tech: pen and paper,
colored pencils, paint and brushes, knitting needles, and
occasionally even mud! The children are not exposed to
computers, television, and other screen time until high school.
So, when the pandemic hit and we were thrust into Zoom School and Google Classroom,
it was totally “bonkers,” lol!”


acrylic on panel  $500

“When asked to reflect upon
— what these times have meant to me —
for this mural project, I wanted to share
my experience homeschooling my son during the pandemic.
Looking back on it, it was definitely a hoot!
My son is in the 6th grade at Haleakala Waldorf on Maui
where the school emphasizes cultivating the children’s imagination and creativity.
The school’s chief teaching tools are anything but high-tech:
pens and paper, color pencils, paint and brushes,
knitting needles, and occasionally even mud!
The school frowns on exposing the children to computers,
so my home didn’t even have WiFi– until the pandemic.
We were suddenly thrust into Zoom Classes and Google Classroom,
teaching my son how to send emails to his teachers, and practicing typing!
It was DEFINITELY a hoot!!”

Pua in Space ‘Blue Hibiscus’

watercolor on panel  $550

“My art life is a refuge from the pandemic.  In this place are fantasy flowers
of my own invention, sometimes based on reality.
These blue hibiscus were actually inspired by the Kula jacaranda trees.
One positive of the timing of the shut down was that is was Spring.
And this was an especially prolific and long blooming season for the jacarandas –
those unmistakably showy blue-lavender denizens of Upcountry Maui.
I took on the challenge of achieving the liquid look of watercolor
on the wood panel using a special substrate and sealer.
We are all flowers, or ‘pua’ in the Hawaiian language,
and I feel like we are floating, not quite touching, existing in space right now.”

Pua in Space ‘Kula Gardens’

watercolor on panel  $650

“The pandemic has driven me to the flowers.  They are a solace in these times.
My walks take me by the several wonderful gardens in my neighborhood.
No matter what the news has been, enjoying the floral beauty
always lifts my spirits.  I interpret what I see: the ebullient shapes,
full of movement, and the glorious hues complimenting each other.
I took on the challenge of achieving the liquid look of watercolor
on the wood panel using a special substrate and sealer.
We are all flowers, or ‘pua’ in the Hawaiian language,
and I feel like we are floating, not quite touching, existing in space right now.”

Garden Gift

acrylic on panel $390


acrylic on panel  $390

“My paintings are the fruit of copious hours in our garden,
tilling for serenity and joy in a world turned upside down.”

Looking Out

encaustic on panel  $480

“In the process of this mural project I noticed the range of emotions
I experienced depending on where I was focusing my attention.
If I looked out into the world of news and heartbreak, the situation
in our world left me deeply bewildered and concerned.

No matter what is going on in the outside world I turn to
Creativity because it is the best way I know how to
use the resources that I have. The red is symbolic of
the fear of the unknown. The square symbolizes the
crumbling of material security, and the individual wearing
a mask is looking out holding a sea of compassion
behind the eyes and facemask.”

Looking In

encaustic on panel  $480

“Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time,
so I chose to focus on the oneness of the world for my second panel and
portray hope with the peaceful colors of the earth. The physical and
spiritual nourishment we get from plants, the ocean, and the air has the power
to transform, liberate, fertilize, and unionize us all.
I have the capacity to bring peace to the world by starting with me.”

Perfumed Sky Valleys

mixed media on panel  $850

“If I could offer one thing to the world, it would be
a bright and clear sensual experience of freedom and light.
The Hawaiian gardenia, nānū, and the late afternoon sunlight
playing in mists and valley ridges brings the visual side
of the experience.Take a deep breath and rise through the lovely natural world.”


oil on panel  $950


“I noticed the rainbow imagery displayed internationally as a positive symbol
throughout these unique times and decided to combine that with
my “aloha butterfly” imagery…”

Keep Walking – Can’t Sit at the Beach

oil and cold wax on panel  $850

“This is a continuation of the same theme of how odd it felt to beat the beach and not be
able to sit even by yourself for a bit…
I’m really glad that that time seems to be behind us now.”

Footprints to the Water – No Stopping

oil and cold wax on panel  $850

“It was a pretty strange time when one could get a ticket from the police
if you didn”t go directly to the water–no congregating,
no stopping, no resting until you entered the water,
then it was okay to talk and stop as long as you still were 6 feet apart.”

Morning Walk

watercolor on panel  $450

“Baldwin beach early in the morning is a source of rejuvenation for our day.
Since March, new welcome faces are joining the regulars.
A little nod, a little smile, and good morning to you too.
The day is starting well.”

Love Song

watercolor on panel  $450

“Every morning I see the sun playing with my roses. The wind makes them dance. They twinkle and sing:
“Each time we bloom it is to remind you how much your husband loves you.
That’s what he told us when he planted us.”
Love is in the air. Love is everywhere we look.
Fortunately love is still all around us.”

Smelling the Roses

watercolor on panel  $450

“This is a season when most of us have been gifted with “Time.”
Time to see, time to feel, time to grow
Time to do things we don’t usually do
Time to pray
Time to rest in God’s hands and feel urgency melt away
Time to enjoy guiltless resting time smelling the roses.”

“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10a)

Deeper Still

acrylic and mixed media on panel  $800

“Bringing energy in and awakening dormant seeds of creation.”


acrylic and mixed media on panel  $800

“Time to turn the soil, plant seeds and encourage new life and renewed hope.”

Song of Life

mixed media with clay on panel  $750

“As an artist, I consider myself very lucky to be able to cope with this pandemic.
Self isolation is nothing new.  All I have to do is to keep creating new work.
I focus my creative energy on seeing the positive side of life
which lifts my spirit up especially during these hard times.”


mixed media on panel  $900

“When I was asked to reflect on what these times mean to me
my mind went many places, so instead I have chosen to consider
what these times need, and that is the subject of my two latest pieces.
Lokahi: To Seek Unity In this time of social, political, economic and wellness
unrest I felt the best way to begin to counteract these forces is to seek unity.
As humans on earth, as brothers and sisters, as sentient beings, our drive to heal
should begin by coming together. Through this unity we can find the light together,
help one another and heal physically and spiritually. It is through unity that we
can overcome hatred, adversity, disparity. I hope this piece reminds us all to Lokahi.”

We Come From The Stars

mixed media on panel  $900

“For this piece I have chosen to consider what binds us together as humans.
I asked myself, what is greater than us? What can bring a healing perspective
to every single soul on earth? From this meditation I decided to start at the beginning,
what are we, what are we made of? I turned to physics for the answers and was
inspired to create a piece illustrating our celestial origins. I hope that knowing
we are all made of the same matter, from the stars, we can put into
perspective that we are brothers and sisters on this planet and
maybe we will start treating each other as such. We all have the same
humble beginnings in the universe. The stars bring light into the dark night,
as humans made of stardust we have the capacity to do the same,
to bring light on earth and to each other everyday​.”

The Now Normal Calls- PROTECTION

acrylic on panel  $450

“I have come to describe this pandemic as “The Now Normal,”
forcing me to stay in the present moment –
a gift through this challenging time we are living in together.
The Hawaiian Ti  leaves remind me that I am protected and safe,
and that I need to stay focussed on hope, compassion, trust, peace, nest,
intention, acceptance, voice, the sacred, creativity, connection and love.

The Now Normal Calls – SUSTENANCE

acrylic on panel  $650

“I have come to describe this pandemic as ‘The Now Normal,’
forcing me to stay in the present moment –
a gift through this challenging time we are living in together.
The local Apple Bananas remind me that I am not just fed, but full.
They reassure me that I am getting more than my basic needs met during this pandemic.
And they remind me to live with an intention of courage, abundance, humanity, opportunity, light,
growth, purpose, freedom, optimism, and to embrace life and that which is new to us on this Earth.”

Cross Pollination

Cross Pollination

acrylic on panel, diptych  $2020

“Cross pollination references the many layers of experience brought on by the Coronavirus
and quarantine. I wanted to convey the reality of everything (down to the smallest particles)
being in constant motion and mixing with everything else — in both beautiful and necessary ways
(as in the case of cross pollination) as well as in severe and vicious ways (as in the spread of a virus).”

Golden Turning Point

acrylic on panel  $800

“Turning point, a phrase we may hear often, can occur in many realms of reality,
from the galactic scale to the microcosm.  It could happen in a millennia, epoch,
or eon, marking a change, a shift. Not that we would be able to see it though.
It could apply to an event in geo-, eco-, biological terms, or religious, moral, cultural,
anthropological, etc. etc. dimensions.  Each turn or change caused by or built
upon dynamics that came before it.  A natural occurrence. It could happen in
as many ways as there are stars in the universe. You can add to the list.

I feel we are at just such a time on our beautiful blue Orb, in our local matrix,
a reckoning of global significance.  Many turning points converging at once.
The health of our planet, which includes all living things. Understanding that
we are all one big BIOTA, one big SELF, and to act accordingly.

I believe this oneness is perceived and felt through the heart, that thread…
like a heartsong… humming, connecting all things simultaneously.
Which will change our moral compass and how we treat each other,
and all things, how we structure our economy, the choices we make
that directly effect our Biology, with a capital B, which…
in turn, comes round to Our health… in every way…
on every level. How do we want to treat the SELF?

:)…  “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” —
Dickens put it so well. And here we are again.

Who are we, and who do we want to become as we move through
this particular reckoning, this Golden opportunity, this Golden turning point?”

Holokai – Sea Voyage

wood marquetry using koa, karelian, makore, figured maple, pear wood and others $950

“Here we are months into this pandemic and our future is still unknown.
We think of the bravery and audacity of the original people who voyaged
across unknown seas to these islands, trusting each other
and relying on their known science of navigation.

They were in a bubble of sorts on their canoes.

We would hope we would trust our scientists
and each other to bring us to a new life.”

Bringing Minds Together

acrylic on panel  $2000

Bringing minds together,
Listening to the other

Interweaving our points of view
A new me and you

Calming The Storm From Within

acrylic on panel  $2000

Between heaven and earth, meditating
A pause for the time being

When resting in the power of Nature
We find composure
Anchored in infinity with fluidity
We find equanimity

The heart reconfigures, reassures
And humankind matures

When the planet is on hold
The silver lining is gold

Mysterious Journey

watercolor on paper over panel  $1600

Under Current

watercolor on paper over panel  $1600

Peace on Earth

mixed media on panel  $400


acrylic on panel  $750

“Sometimes when the world and our lives are in stress or tragedy,
what can bring you into harmony is sharing your hope for the future.”


acrylic on panel  $750

“At this time of great upheaval, many have found that
caring for one another is a blessing and brings us some peace.”

A New Beginning

oil on panel  $500

“This glowing painting represents the emergence of a new era in time
for us as our world adjusts to the changes of recent time.
A New Beginning has Quantum Energy in the field!”

Knows No Borders. Knows No Race

kiln-formed glass on panel  $500

“Coronavirus, measuring nanometers in size, has swept our planet
with unimaginable speed, ignoring borders, races and economies.
Who would have thought in 2019 that such a small thing
could stop most of humanity in its tracks for a while?”

Own Your Power

oil on panel  $800

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are
powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?”
Marianne Williamson

I implore my fellow humans to pause, take a moment to ask yourself,
are you simply repeating a shallow thought or idea made popular by a large group?
Does the thought or idea you’re spreading unite, grow, heal? Are you promoting
and encouraging compassion and empathy or are you defining yourself
by the things you don’t like? Are you defined by hate, fear, and negativity or are you applying your
beautiful brain cells to orchestrating growth, wellness, and compassion for our fellow humans?

“What does it feel like to be wrong? It doesn’t feel any different than being right.
UNTIL… we realize we’re wrong.” Kathryn Schulz

I watched my grandmother cling so viciously to the need to be right that she completely,
shredded and degraded her “loved” ones to defend even the most illogical and arbitrary topics.
She so desperately HAD to be right. My father committed extremely violent attacks
on his own family because he was DEAD CERTAIN he had the “right” to.
As a parent, I made the mistake for years of thinking I had to be right.
Every ounce of lazy thought has repaid me with tons of heartbreaking repercussions. 

Are you strong enough to honestly analyze your thoughts and the resulting deeds?
Are you strong enough to consider another’s point of view?
Are you strong enough to dismantle old hate and fear-driven, destructive behavior patterns?
Are you strong enough to build new bricks for your foundation of interacting
with your fellow humans? A foundation including curiosity and compassion?
Are you strong enough to see the pain you’re causing others and then make changes?
Are you strong enough to set aside shallow values and really see people for who they are?

Do you need to feel the cozy comfort of joining a group no matter how nasty
their attitude and destructive the results of their trajectory?
Are you strong enough to form your own ideas based on love, even if you’re
the only one as far as you can see in your environment who espouses these ideas?

Ten years from now, thirty years from now, I will be responsible for the way I’ve lived my life.
The seeds of destruction and fear will yield a crop as will the seeds of compassion and love.
I choose for myself and, should I have the added time on this planet,
nobody will be standing beside me when I assess how I’ve used my minutes.
I am my toughest critic, I set my highest standard for my behavior,
and I will only have myself to hold truly accountable if I sow the wrong seeds.
“Own Your Power” is the first exploration of a work-in-progress of a woman
who embodies the title of this piece. She is strong, intelligent, beautiful inside and out,
doesn’t weaken or diminish her power for the comfort of others.
With grace and compassion, she teaches self-care and self-defense.”


digital photo collage on panel  $220

“I’ve been feeling a little fragmented lately – time to focus on the light.”


cotton yarn and brass nails on panel  $550


digital photo art on panel  $220

“I want to lose the masks that hide us. I proudly wear the one that protects us.”


stabilo pencil on panel  $600

“Endless. Endless.
E      N     D     L     E     S     S
All of this space and Covid waiting.
What now, God? Do I move? Or do I wait?
There’s a great white lion covered in eyes, with six wings standing before God.
All eyes on God.
I’m not just watching and waiting, I’m rather freaky in this lack of structure,
and impatient and dysfunctional. But You, God, have carved out a deeper place in me.
I see it, I feel it. You have stopped my life and my need for scurrying,
You have laid aside medication I no longer need – though my mind and legs
still want to run, as when picking up a running animal and its legs still uselessly churn the air.
But I trust, I trust in You. So instead I stand, with all my eyes I watch and wait on You.”

Flattening the Curve 2

cotton yarn and brass nails on panel  $550

Hot Spots and Safety Zones I

Hot Spots and Safety Zones II

mixed media on panel, diptych  $1300

“I am enjoying this opportunity to explore a new medium, which in this case is mixed,
using spray paint, acrylic, resin, newsprint and more.
Abstract art is by far my favorite style, but I still like it to hint at something
that is clear enough for the viewer to glean information or at least get a memorable impression. 

“Hot Spots and Safety Zones” represents the current state of the world and the different ways people
are handling their quarantines. For instance, the white ring could be the idea of a Covid-free
community like New Zealand, whereas the black and white rings are places still in the flux of new cases.
The Asian comics are hinting at the first outbreaks in China – (note the masks).
The other more obscured layers can hint to all the things that we have yet to learn about the virus.
These ideas aren’t set in stone tho – I hope you as the viewer will infer your own symbolism
and have a dynamic visual experience.”


hand-painted cotton fabric, batting, thread, birch panel, thread reverse-appliqué, machine quilted, gallery-wrapped on panel $500

“What stands out most for me at this crucial time in our history is how quickly
so many things are changing.  There was first the pandemic, and then that
stressor increased global economic concerns, and during lockdown,
citizens’ consumption of national news increased, heightening awareness of
historical injustice and police brutality.  We’re far from finished with the pandemic,
and can expect more historic global upheaval in the coming months.  We
currently are living in those interesting times mentioned in the apocryphal curse.”

I Can’t Breathe

tumbled glass, wire, painted wood on panel  $1100

“Who would have thought that we’d have a pandemic and Black Lives Matters
protests happening together. Stay in and isolate, no wait! Go out and gather to protest!
The doctors tell us that the virus attacks our lungs and when x-rayed, it looks like broken glass.
“I can’t breathe”, strangely, the last words of George Floyd are the same words so many
Covid-19 survivors describe of their experience with the virus. The sheer destruction of this
virus and the systemic devastation from centuries of racism in our country has broken our hearts.
But for me, I feel hope. Hope that the veil has been lifted,
and we are now aware of what we as individuals and a country need
to do to correct our course, to fix the broken parts of our country.”

No Lives Matter Unless Black Lives Matter

printed silk velvet, striped silk twill, black batting, birch panel, thread appliqué, trapunto, machine quilted, gallery-wrapped on panel $500

“From Ralph Ellison’s unfinished novel,  “Juneteenth”:
If WE can’t cry for the Nation, then who? Because who else
draws their grief and consternation from a longer knowledge
or from a deeper and more desperate hope?
And who’ve paid more in trying to achieve their better promise?”


acrylic on panel  $250

“Color will always brighten up the darkness and love will see us through.”

Wear a Mask – Makai

oil on panel  $475

Wear a Mask – Mauka

oil on panel  $475

Together, as One, We Will Reign This In

ceramic and metal  $2200

“When Covid-19 began, we thought it was just another something to give us concern
during the flu season.  And then it was ignored, denied, minimized, and politicized.
In spite of absurd comments about miracles, magical disappearances, hoaxes,
and distractions, the reality crept on and on.  Hit by the death of hundreds,
then thousands, then tens of thousands, and now, hundreds of thousands,
we knew eventually, if we were to survive, we had to work together.

Then came an expectation for national leadership, guidance, a plan,
a response from on high that would provide help, equipment, financing, expertise.
Instead the responsibility was dumped into the laps of anyone else who
was seeking help, creating a clawing scratching competition.
There was a nightmare free for all.  We wanted to represent that frustration, masks and all.

In creating this artwork, we wanted to interpret a “masking” of the virus.
Let us work together, each giving their all, tackle this virus, and put it under lock and key.
If each of us doesn’t do their part, who will?   Together, as one, we will reign this in.

Don Smith and I created the concepts, he created the iron and welding, and I did the ceramics.”

So Close and Yet So Far – We Shall Be Close Again

ceramic and metal  $1100

“Social Distancing,” “Shelter in Place,” two phrases that no one used until Covid-19.
Our world went from a place of joy, laughter, creativity,
and social interaction to a place of isolation, fear, and uncertainty.

We hugged people.  We hugged tons of people.  Everyone we met, everyone we knew,
everyone with whom we interacted.  It’s Maui!  We’re huggers.
But that stopped when “Social Distancing” and “Shelter In Place” started.

Thinking about how many people who live here, live in close proximity to neighbors,
share a property, share a home, share an apartment, we now have learned how isolating
it is to be so close to our neighbors and have to physically stop
sharing our time and lives to save their and our lives.

In creating this artwork, we wanted to interpret people experiencing the isolation
by mere inches that now keeps them apart.  A mere wall can become a continent.
We wanted to show the need to reach for human companionship in order to ease the loneliness.
So close and yet so far:  We shall be close again.

Don Smith and I created the concepts, he created the iron and welding, and I did the ceramics.

Handmade Masks – Loving Gifts

acrylic on panel  $585

“Two of my friends, ANN and JUDY, each hand-made breathing masks
for me during the early days of the world wide pandemic.
Both of these were beautifully stitched and MADE WITH LOVE!
Works of creative art in their own right!
I will treasure these!”


mixed media on panel $450


mixed media on panel $450

“As a little girl, living on my grandparents’ dairy, I noticed a phenomenon called “Cow-tipping”.
The happy cow would be sleeping, minding her own sweet cow business and some
mean teenager would sneak up and tip her over, giving her a terrible scare….very dangerous
and completely unnecessary.  The teens thought it was hilarious!
During this pandemic, I have witnessed great acts of heroic love and kindness,
giving me hope for humanity’s survival. I have also been observing my fellow countrymen
and women behave in a “cow tipping” manner towards each other,
senselessly tipping each other over, thinking it’s funny or not feeling accountable
or wanting to blame someone else for all the fear and discomfort that is surfacing in our world.
I sit still and quietly here. I observe all of the chaos whipping by, all the projections and so
many scared people tipping each other over. I also see the beautiful reorganization of so many
things that are becoming FREE and EQUAL and TRANSFORMING into more sustainable ways of being.
I choose to be the center of my own storm. I take this unprecedented opportunity to take
100% responsibility for myself and to unravel my own inner Gordian knot. It’s good, honest work if you can get it :).”

Cellcirque I

mixed media with fused glass, torch work, mirror, copper on panel  $1200

“Cell structures and networks appear both micro and galactic, light years expansive and electron microscope tiny.
Both contain visions of unexplored realms, zoomed-in, exploded realities. Shapes are both playful and bizarre.
Abstract forms come alive in vibrant saturated glass colors. Reflective, dazzling light effects with layers of glass
suggest an internal source of energy and animated movement.”

Unseen Sea

mixed media with fused glass, torchwork, mirror, copper on panel  $1400

Micro Sea

mixed media with fused glass, torchwork, mirror, copper on panel  $1400

“Fluid worlds whorl and swirl, appear both micro and galactic, ocean expansive and
microscopic drop-of-water miniature. Both contain visions of otherworldly realms, zoomed-in,
exploded realities that give us fresh appreciation of our own environments.
Shapes are both playful and bizarre. Abstract forms come alive in vibrant saturated glass colors.
Reflective, dazzling light effects with layers of glass suggest an internal source of energy and animated movement.”


etching on japanese silk on panel  $800

“To me the term “spread” is especially relevant right now. Too often these days it
means to spread false statements, hatred, racism, sexism, violence and,
more recently, Covid-19, which has been referred to as Kung Flu by some in Washington.

Living in Hawaii, it should be especially meaningful to us because we understand how
the Hawaiians were decimated by diseases brought here they had no resistance to.

Now is the time to change that cycle and go back to when we used the term to mean
spreading honesty, decency, knowledge and compassion for others. A time when doing good
was the right thing to do. A time when stopping the spread of disease and ignorance
is as important to everyone as those being affected by them.”

Alternative Lens

acrylic paint, gold and silver leaf, nails, etched and carved aluminum on panel

“As an artist on Maui surrounded by beauty and someone who
has spent most of my life here, it is easy to forget the problems
of much of the rest of the world. Making beautiful things
as a reflection of our world is what most of us do.

I was shaken to the core of my soul though, as my dearest friend
and the kindest person I have ever known was diagnosed with
aggressive metastasized cancer right as the Covid-19 lock down
was starting on Maui. He was unable to get good and timely
treatment as the Maui Memorial Hospital was having a cluster
of Covid in the Oncology Dept of the hospital itself. His family
flew him to the mainland in a desperate race to get him treatment.

As Covid was raging, families and lives we were fed false
hopes by our leaders in Washington.
Then the murder of George Floyd and Racism in this country
that was brought into focus again, was too much for millions
of people to bear without speaking out or striking back.

My piece titled “Alternative Lens” tries to show the contrast
of living on Maui, but feeling what is happening in the hearts of
people around the world and seeing life through a different lens.

My hope is that it is a reminder of how privileged we are to call
these islands home, but it is not a reality in much of the world.
Looking at the world through an alternative lens, it is time
to give what you can, share what you can,
teach what you can, make change where you can,
locally and globally.”


pastel on panel  $800

“This global Pandemic has frozen everything in place, like suspended animation or freezing
a video frame in place. I have used the Hawaiian Crow as a symbol of our fragility and to represent
that the pandemic reaches deep into the origins of our natural world, leaving no lives untouched,
even on our Island Home…”

Every Knock is a Boost

stoneware ceramic, beads, cast pewter with rodium plating,
low fire clay with glazes, 2 of the artists’ brushes – on panel

“The Emergency Break, certainly a knock for humanity, has proven to be
a boost for many. A boost to look inward, slow the pace, reflect on many things.
It has been a pause to use extra time to remember and reach out to those
important to us. For some, a rewarding chance to explore creative expression…
heightened output of “wordsmithing” in my own case.
We have experienced a much needed chance to dream amid self reflection
and see if positives can be found in a very difficult time for the world.”

Nippon’s CoronaVirus Blues

stoneware with ceramic glazes, polychrome on paper,
cast metal, silver plated – on panel

“I have a fondness for Japan… her culture, sensibilities, her elevated style
and manner, the exquisite etiquette and grace, and her rich aesthetics.
Last October was my 10th visit and my best experience of the country
and people yet. The treasure of new connection has recently been followed up
with concern for my new dear friends I met on this most recent journey.
A few of them have clearly expressed getting the blues…
caused by their strictly enforced confinement. Hopefully, sending them
photos of this small work of art will inject a bit of joy into their day.”

The Sky is Falling

acrylic on panel  $250

“The Sky is falling only if you let it. Let’s keep each other safe
and protected during this storm of uncertainty.”

Ship of Fools

acrylic on panel  $250

“Ship of foolish tourists bringing a deadly virus to our island home.”

Pilau Germs

acrylic on panel  $250

“Take that you rotten, stinking virus.

Cellular Wish

mixed media on panel $350

“cellular wishes” came about from many months of deep reflection,
journaling and prayer brought on by these days of deep unrest.
I often found myself longing and looking for comforting thoughts.
One comforting thought that came quite frequently were memories of gathering
and throwing “Wish Rocks”(rocks with a continuous line of connection).
I would gather them on a favorite beach and make a wish, to return to a person or place,
that I was parting from. Equally compelling for me in the creation of this piece are
the beautiful images of this virus, and our chaotic, sometimes painful, interconnectedness.

“I woke again,
my life is easy,
much easier than most.
The birds keep singing,
the wind gently waves its arms around me,
and I stand,
and begin again.
It is enough.

So much to be grateful for,
so much to care about.
Count yourself in,
one of the many.
Sometimes it’s enough,
to not know more
than just a little.

I want to be kind, kinder,
best, better,
but all I know is to bristle up,
hunker down,
lay low in the quiet,
and ready myself for a good long fight.”


photograph, dried plants, wax, oil bar on panel $350

“I have been thinking a lot about lungs; as part of a long-term project.
I’ve been working on regarding the precarious state of the world’s oceans,
which are considered the lungs of the planet;
as Willie K and another old friend die of lung cancer; through the news reports of COVID-19
decimating the victims’ lungs as they gasp for breath; as George Floyd cried out “I can’t breathe”.

I dreamed I was floating, face-down, searching for something. I woke with a start
when the dream became a nightmare and I couldn’t breathe…I was drowning.”

Smile – Be Happy

oil on panel $850

“Painted sentinel mist obscures,
tangerine sky, joyful memory…

1989 – Haiku painted message board building just past
Ho’okipa Beach Park. This little building perched out in the
grassy bluff has been a source of laughter and commentary
for many decades. I have never seen anyone painting it.
One day it’s Cinco de Mayo, next a celebration of a wedding,
remembrance of a loved one, or just something funny.
For a long time it was the original emoticon, the smiley face.
And it always worked. Made me smile, at least as I drove by.”

I’m Taking A Walk

oil on panel $850

“In memory of John Prine, one of my favorite singer-songwriters
who lost his life to Covid-19 April 7, 2020.”

Have You Ever Seen the Rain…

oil on panel  $850

Open Ocean

oil on panel $850

“The ocean and my Pueo have been my way to leave behind
everything but the quietness of the morning for many years.
We have been fortunate that while access to most beach parks
were closed, the ocean was open. My peaceful place.”


oil on panel $850

“The life of an artist consists of a lot of solitary.
So much time is spent alone creating, thinking, and
seeking out beauty, often in the midst of a sea of other people.
Suddenly, things are different. And this lack of people and crowds
lends itself to its own rhythm within Maui, and listening
to the sound of a new tempo within the creative process.”

Red Road to the Beach

oil on panel  $500

“Faithful transportation to the surf.”

Island Greetings

oil on panel $500

“I see it everywhere on Maui…”

Yea, out of confinement!

oil on panel $1400

“I saw this Jacaranda tree bursting out of entrapment
by the glycine vine. It reminded me that we can and
will successfully rejoin our lifestyles.”

Beauty lifts us up

oil on panel $400

“When things are difficult,
I can always count on Maui’s beauty to lift me up.
I am so grateful to be living here!”


quilted painting, gallery wrap $500

Hand-painted, machine-quilted with archival sun-sensitive
acrylic paints, polyester monofilament thread,
PFD Kona cotton, warm and white batting.

“What a blessing it is to see that although the world
will never again be as it was,
still the Jacarandas bloom and uplift our hearts with joy.”

Jacaranda Inspiration

oil on panel $950

“The quiet and serenity of the times
have been an inspiration to go out painting.
We love jacaranda season every year!”

Jacaranda Dog Days

oil on panel $950

“This has been a revelation to me that
so many people walk their dogs every evening!
We also have been walking every evening during the pandemic.”

White Fence Jacaranda

oil on panel $500

Tall Grass Jacaranda

oil on panel $500

“So little time, so many Jacarandas”

My Choice – 14 days Quarantine surrounded with Beauty

oil on panel $1400

“Seeing Molokai’s North shore, I thought, take me by canoe,
land at that beach with two weeks worth of food,
and it would be a wonderful isolation.”

Tomorrow will be a New Day!

oil on panel  $1400

Sky Fire

acrylic on panel $1500

“For over 40 years from my Olinda vantage point at 4000’ elevation,
I have witnessed many sunsets. I am constantly amazed at the
variety, drama and design of every one. As an artist, I feel
compelled to attempt to capture many of those unique sunsets
on canvas, paper or panel.
This current work, ‘Sky Fire’ is part of the Kila Kila Series.
Many from this series may have the same ‘static’ foreground,
because it is of the same view, however,
it’s the sky that changes and is never the same twice.”

First Light

oil on panel  $950

Happy Hour

oil on panel $950

“I’ve definitely learned that being stranded on an island
is yet another blessing from Mama Maui.
I’ve noticed the beauty of spring, of each morning and afternoon
and of the freedom to explore my passion
without interruption or obligation.
I have been reminded, from dawn to sunset,
that magic can happen right in front of our eyes
when we take the time to see.”

The Light Comes Through

oil on panel $1800

“The Sun is always shining, even when hidden from view.
This little painting is a metaphor for our higher self
– a reminder that like the sun, it is always present,
even during trying times such as these.”

Flattening the Curve

cotton yarn and brass nails $550

“During this time of pandemic, we have all been hearing
a lot about ‘flattening the curve’.
We’ve all been seeing a lot of images of graphs
with various curves in the news. There’s something about
those images which grabbed me. I started researching
how parabolic curves are generated mathematically.
I came across a field of geometry called ‘curve stitching’,
which involves plotting a particular class of equations on a graph.
I am a fiber artist. I create art using raw fibers, yarns, cloth, and dye.
I realized I could use the mathematical principle of curve stitching
to create art pieces using yarn and nails. This piece,
‘Flattening the Curve’, is the first of my new ‘Curve Stitching’ series.”

Second Wave

cotton yarn and brass nails $550

“Curves have been a defining image of this time of COVID.
We see the graphs on the nightly news,
we speak of ‘flattening the curve’.
Meanwhile, we live with an existential fear
of a coronavirus ‘second wave’.
This piece uses cotton yarn, nails, and the geometry of
parabolic curves to capture the image
of the Second Wave, rising to engulf us.”

Separation Anxiety

hand-carved panel with acrylic inlay $420

“Lines, Path, Distance…
We all must obey as we strive to stay Covid-19 free.
The white represents my Ohana as we are in isolation.”


hand-burnt branding on panel $420

“The Ginkgo is a symbolic tree and has a special place in my family.
These leaves represent the overlapping love we all share.”


mixed media on panel $800

“On a 10” cradled birch wood I have applied 4 layers of absorbent
chalk ground (calcium carbonate- rabbit skin glue- titanium)
with sanding between each coat.
I used hide glue watercolor pigments…
Finally, I attached the aluminum ‘calling card’.

In this time of Pandemic, including the loss of a dear friend
and my brother (neither from the virus),
my normally secluded life sank deeper
into a very inward journey.
Examining again the issues of my own mortality.
In the words of our beloved Ram Das

– ‘be here now’ – about sums it up!”

Holding on as a Family

acrylic and gold leaf on panel, 10 x 10 x 1.5 box frame $1600

“During those times, being in touch with family
has been important, nourishing and transformative.
It has become clear, how much we care about each other,
even when we live far away from each other.
Distances don’t matter, countries don’t matter,
we are all in the same boat called Planet Earth.”

Feeling Grateful

acrylic and gold leaf on panel, 10 x 10 x 1.5 box frame $1800

“Reconnecting with the wonders which are all around us,
is for me the silver lining held in those times,
and I am grateful for the persistence of life through this all.
Part of the painting holds a prayer for the falling leaves,
a metaphor for all who are suffering through this tragedy.”

Aloha Ohana

marquetry with select veneers of maple burl,
koa, poplar and gold leaf

“The Pandemic of 2020 caused the people of Hawai’i
to isolate themselves,
from each other and the rest of the world.
By engaging in the self-quarantine we show our caring
for each other – hence the title,
Aloha Ohana.

The experience of retreating to our homes without
physical contact with others brings to mind a Butterfly Chrysalis –
one life transformed into another secluded away from the
outside world awaiting what will eventually emerge.”

A 2020 Love Story

oil on panel  $800

“Life is messy. You’re born, yikes, that’s definitely a messy start,
no matter how you come out.
We could go a little further back and consider conception.
Thank goodness, that’s still passionate, and potentially messy.

Relationships can be such a roller coaster ride
of soaring joy and crashing heartbreak.
Without this full range of possibilities,
life would just be a pastel bore.
So, I made a Covid piece about romance, passion.

It’s been interesting to talk with people about budding
romances put on hold, because of ‘Stay at Home’ orders.
I called it a ‘First World Complaint’, because many countries
had the option to simply step back from an insane rat-race
and protect their communities by listening to science and
communicating through technology, a mass agreement to
easily stop the spread. So many others, though,
don’t have the science, the tech, don’t even have a medical
care system too overrun with irresponsible, selfish choices.
So, I’m grateful to live in a country where we can be silly
and discuss the drama of love interrupted by Covid.”

Clove Flower –
I have loved you and you have not known it.

Shameplant – Touch-me-not
Stay 6 feet away, wear a mask, and gaze into my eyes.

Dogwood –
Love undiminished by adversity (always).

“An epic love story of longing and desire in the middle of a pandemic.”

2020 Vision

oil on panel $800

“This too, shall pass.
Some flowers are deadly poisonous, some medicinal,
some poisonous in one form and medicinal in another.

Some people, when faced with their mortality or any of the
endless facets of heartbreak life has available for humans,
become bitter, hate driven and fear fueled. Some people,
faced with the same facets of mortality and heartbreak,
become stronger and tap into an endless expanse of love.

‘Stop and smell the roses’ –
I find flowers are an ideal communication tool in the art
I’m creating for many reasons. One of these, is people
across the globe have been attaching meaning to them
for hundreds of years, so I can rely on the floral poetry
of many cultures to weave the stories of humanity.
Another commonality in flowers, humans, and the experiences
that can bring us to our knees, all three are fleeting and delicate.
A virus and flowers both can show us how sweet life is.”

Tansy –
“I declare war on you!” It can certainly feel like that when
we are facing any of the darker aspects of this tapestry of life.

Bayleaf –
“I change but in death.” A reality of being human,
we rarely make necessary changes unless we have no choice.

Hibiscus –
“Delicate beauty.” All across the planet we’re seeing positive results
also come from this pandemic. Skies and water clearing,
people showing love to their neighbors,
a pace of true life instead of chaotic, frenzied rat-race.
Yes. Life is delicate and beautiful.

“My thoughts on experiencing a pandemic?
A global opportunity for humanity to gain crystal clear vision
of what it means to really be alive. An opportunity to regain an
appreciation for our time on this planet. Wandering blind, screens
blocking our view, numbing us more than any substance we may
choose as escape, not creating, not fully experiencing this vivid life,
greedily gobbling up garbage information that insulates us from
taking responsibility for our lives. Choosing a safe cubicle over
the bloodcurdling fear of jumping without a safety net
into the epic adventure we could embark on.
If only we were brave enough.
Life offers us so many opportunities to learn this lesson.
The pursuit of truth and beauty.
The threads are all there, weaving a tapestry that ties all
of our stories together. Will we embrace a safe, lazy path dulled
by the endless calls to not be fully present, not take complete
responsibility for our every action and word?
Are we brave enough to hone our vision and fully commit
to a life defined by the pursuit of truth and beauty?
At the end of our lives, we each individually will be the ones
who know if we fully lived or walked dead through life.”

First Bloom

acrylic and oil on archival board $350

“The Lotus flower is a universal ancient symbol of rejuvenation,
a quintessential metaphor in this moment when
so many things we have taken for granted have been uprooted.
The seeds of this sacred aquatic plant can remain viable for
many years. In 1994 the earliest germination was recorded
when 1,300 year old seeds were recovered from a lake bed
in northeastern China. It is impossible not to equate this
transformative flower with the importance of
hope and resilience, essential teachings amid this pandemic.”

Lockdown Antidote–Blooming Garden

quilted painting, gallery wrap $500

Hand-painted, machine-quilted with archival sun-sensitive
acrylic paints, polyester monofilament thread,
PFD Kona cotton, warm and white batting.

“At first, the enforced lockdown filled me with anxiety.
My garden reminded me to trust that all will be well.”

My Cymbidiums

acrylic on panel $1500

“When I was a very young child, my parents frequently spent time
with their good friends, the Lanes.
To keep me occupied, the adults would set me down
at a desk in Mr. Lanes studio. Mr. Lanes’ was an artist!
I loved going to his studio. He would give me paper
and paint and I was happy for hours.
While the adults were having dinner, I was exploring Mr. Lanes’
studio and painting my versions of what I saw there.
Being a small child, the artwork of Mr. Lanes’ florals
seemed huge to me and very colorful.
That experience sealed my fate and has influenced
me for a lifetime. I am still enamored by the beauty and
powerful colors represented in nature.”

Jade Vines in the Ancient Mango Grove

acrylic on panel $290

“The hand with the jade vine flowers is an image I took in an
old growth mango forest. It depicts my appreciation for all the
connections we can witness admiring nature.”

Moloka’i Potatoes

acrylic on panel $290

“In response to the pandemic, my work relates to being
in the wild beauty of nature and working in the soil gardening.
The Moloka’i sweet potatoes is a created image in response
to understanding the relationships I have to
growing food and the above and below communication.”

Harvesting Onions from the Garden

oil on panel $850

“My wife Nori harvesting in the garden was one of many painting
compositions from our home that I felt showed how
we have been spending time during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Little did we know when we started this garden in late February
that it would be such a source of enjoyment and optimism
during these trying times. New flowers everyday
reminding us of the immense beauty in our world,
collecting vegetables for cooking and reveling
in life’s simple pleasures.”

View from my Driveway

oil on panel $850

“This painting was inspired by a trip down to my mailbox.
Seeing the late afternoon light and shadows on our street,
I realized I really have so many beautiful scenes right here at home
that I will never go without inspiration as long as I take the time
to actually see these simple compositions.”


watercolor on paper over panel  $1600

“Time to reunite and breathe again.”


watercolor on paper over panel  $2000

“Sometimes it just takes pause before we take action.”

Sunset Blessing

watercolor on paper over panel $450

“Blessed to be reminded every day,
with glorious sunsets, that God is in control.”

37,000 Cars – Not on the Road

acrylic and art resin $850

“This is a statement on the overwhelming amount of
tourists cars that were before driving on Maui’s roads, parks and
generally overwhelming our beautiful island
before the Corona virus came to town.
I think, all of the residents here on Maui
are kind of surprised at the amount
— we knew there were tourists here —
but that many,
and how was this allowed to happen unchecked?”

Silent Invader

acrylic and art resin $850

“This piece is a statement of just how much our lives
have changed with the arrival of Covid-19 — the virus
is something we cannot see, but is very silently changing
how we are going about our business today.
With everyone required to wear masks when going out,
it is harder to recognize our friends which can be further isolating.
This piece represents those changes that are affecting all of us.”


acrylic and art resin $750

“The weeds around the steps represent time passing —
it’s been a long time with this virus affecting us.”


acrylic and art resin $750

“The silent, invisible invader is here —
we just can’t see it except maybe in a certain light?”

Stay Home

kiln-formed glass $475

“Stay Home — symbolizes the imposed structure
of the shelter-in-place orders,
most of us have and/or are still living with.
While being very restrictive, it nevertheless gave a
sense of stability and safety during these unprecedented times.

The colors and patterns displayed below the glass,
stand for some of the positive outcomes
and emerging beauty in unexpected places:
less pollution, traffic and noise;
the Maui Ohana coming together for community projects
and learning patience while out shopping!”


collagraph $650

“This work is a reflection on the fact that there is too much going on,
too many people, too few resources, therefore leading to a crisis.”

Safety Roll

acrylic on panel $350

“When asked to reflect upon
— what these times have meant to me —
for this mural project, one of the first images that came to me
was a simple roll of toilet paper. Not just because I believe hoarding
it will be one of the many things we remember about the
coronavirus outbreak, but also because I found it curious
that we even hoard to begin with.
I, myself, felt a strong desire to buy toilet paper in mass quantities
even though I knew running out wouldn’t be the end of the world.
Upon reflection, I think with all the uncertainty and fear,
having a stock of toilet paper gave me (even if only metaphorically)
a sense of safety, assurance and control.”

Jacaranda Coronation Meditation

acrylic on panel $800

“Being an artist at this juncture of time on the planet is a great gift
that I am grateful for. The idea of painting smaller, for me, is like
a metaphor of how our lives are at the moment,
the imagination expanding larger to feed the psyche,
while contracting to smaller confines in physical space.

The piece juxtaposes elements of this glorious springtime,
the corona virus pandemic, graduation time and the muses
and deities that might appear. Balancing gravity and levity.”

Sheltering I

Sheltering II

acrylic on panel $222 each

provided the impetus for me to start painting again.
It has been a dream of mine for the past 20 years
to return to painting.
Now, finally, I have the time.”

Obedience to Victory; Isolation Battle

graphite on panel $700

“The first weeks of the COVID-19 lockdown seemed like honestly
an amazing thing. Look, people at home with their families and kids,
forced to deal with ourselves, not driven by money
and chronic over-busyness!
Look, the entire world more or less united for the first time in history!
But the dark side of the isolation has led many of us
to begin to crumble, and wherever our mental health is fragile
to tend to break down.

So: frozen in the no man’s land of no work/school/groups/structure
or relief from one’s own self, multiple and endless failings
of creating and keeping a structure in place….
Yes, absolutely, give me that small wooden panel
and a deadline to make art! Oops, oh look,
I failed to put that structure together too, ok, look I’m going to
just draw directly on the wooden panel raw, like I am
right now, here it all is, me in my underwear submitting to that
I don’t know how to fix this process or my own inadequacies now.

I set myself up in the mirror and made a visual play
out of the battle at hand. For myself, personally, the COVID
isolation took away the distractions from a most singular battle,
the root of which is a chronic fear and unease,
a wrestling with some aspect of the world so personal,
I cannot easily put it into words.
I can say that it is one of those primary breaks most of us have
from our youth when we stopped Trusting.
When we became afraid and tucked our trust out of sight
and turned to protecting our vulnerabilities
from each other and the world, in one fashion or another.
Yep, that one.

So, out of creating a visual play of the battle at hand,
came this pose and classic style raw little drawing on wood
of my raw little process of seeking a deeper trust in God.
It made me think of the serpent in Genesis saying basically,
“Ah, you can’t trust this place or God –
here, take matters into your own hands…”
and God telling the serpent, “Because you have done this,
the seed of generations shall crush your head,
and you shall strike their heel.”
We shall crush its head. That pandemic is real, that serpent,
and our own personal battles striking at our heels are real.
And I can see – a lot of us can see – that trusting and
submitting to this process is to put the head of this thing underfoot.”

Day 24 – The Wait

Day 65 – Feeling Optimistic

mixed media with acrylic, charcoal, paper, dried flowers and antique watch/clock face $500 each

“These pieces represent the different points (days) during
home islolation and how they affected my mental state.
From Day 24 – The Wait,
waiting with anxiety to see what is happening with the world,
the virus, my health, my job and my family.

Then moving forward to Day 65 – Feeling Optimistic,
where I finally feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel,
feeling healthy, happy and ready to return to life,
friends and most of all hugs.”


handfelted wool $850

“On Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020, people all over the world
posted black squares on their social media accounts
with the hashtag #BlackoutTuesday.
The intention of this initiative was to go silent on all media platforms
to reflect on the innumerable casualties of institutional racism,
including the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on
communities of color and the killing
of unarmed black men and women,
most recently Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd.
Finally, it stands as a symbol of solidarity
with the Black Lives Matter movement.

I went into my studio on that day and began this piece.
It is one expression of the grief and pain I experience
through my own reflections on the state of the world,
and on what it means to be black in America in this day and age.
I wanted my #BlackoutTuesday square to have
a more permanent and physical reality as a symbol
of the solidarity with all those who are compelled to fight
for justice through more meaningful actions, in real time.

This black felted square is larger than the 10 x 10 panel.
It must therefore be contorted to fit the perfect,
and too-small, square space allowed it.
It references skin, as it lays across the surface of the panel:
a skin unable to lay peacefully and smoothly
and instead the embodiment of movement—
as a result of pain, but also as a sign of life, endurance, and power.”

This Little Light of Mine

handfelted wool $850

“Racism in America is like dust in the air.
It seems invisible—even if you’re choking on it—until you let the sun in.”
— Kareem Abdul Jabbar

“This piece honors all the light-bearers.
All those who, despite obstacles great and small,
succeed in illuminating the darkness of ignorance across all divides.”

A Flood of Protests

quilted painting, gallery wrap $500

Hand-painted, machine-quilted with archival sun-sensitive
acrylic paints, polyester monofilament thread,
PFD Kona cotton, warm and white batting.

“Protests flood the world’s streets,
fueled by anger and frustration,
directed at systemic racism and police
brutality against people of color.”

Revive I

Revive II

cyanotype, encaustic, oil bar on panel $290 each

“While this unprecedented time has completely upset
the normal flow of humanity, one notable positive aspect is
the apparent rebirth of nature in areas now desolate of human activity.
Photos of clean rivers and clear skies are a hopeful sight
and underscores humanity’s impact on the environment,
as it highlights how much pollution has changed our world.
The effects of climate change and human impact has greatly
degraded the coastal areas of the ocean.

This work responds to what occurs when the human impact
is temporarily removed from some of the most
environmentally fragile areas of our planet.

Once an abundant resource in Hawai’i,
much of its seaweed (limu) has disappeared because of runoff,
over-harvesting, and toxic sunscreens. Already, scientists in places
like Hanauma Bay have seen a resurgence in coral growth
and the movement and feeding behavior of reef fish.
These microscopic images of Hawaiian limu are meant to represent
the hopeful rejuvenation of these tiny disappearing organisms as the
effect of human impact is removed and to serve as a reminder
of their ecological significance.
My goal is to inspire fresh perspectives, awareness,
and engagement with these humble ocean life forms,
and to remind us that even small changes
can make a huge impact on our beautiful planet.”


oil on panel $500

“This recent change in our total world gives birth to new beginnings.
The painting “Lodestar” represents my guide
into a new phase of painting, the Polaris if you will.
A new start or a rebirth. It’s all about a resurgence.”


oil on panel $500

“Skylight is about a new day.
A new and fresh perspective that can only come
from a complete transformation of what there was before.”

Invasive Specie I

Invasive Specie II

mixed media on panel $650 each

Using soy based inks on Japanese papers and then enclosed using an encaustic wax process.

“The inspiration came from this time of quarantine when unknown and dangerous particles are floating in our environment.”


silk, dyes, acrylic, spray paint and nails  $650

“Sometimes containment can be freeing and restrictions can be
liberating because it compels us to get creative.”

Bare-Naked Parasailing I

Bare-Naked Parasailing II

mixed media on panel $450 each

“These pieces are about all the many layers of
unintentional busyness I have practiced in my life,
because I was led to believe
that this was ‘how to have what it takes’…

I began my self-quarantine on Feb 26, 2020, (85 days, so far).
After experiencing the longest pause of free time I’ve had
in my entire adult life, and having been given the unexpected luxury
of time and space to bravely self-reflect, rest, re-set, re-calibrate,
re-evaluate, I have discovered two really uncomfortable facts:

1) That for most of my life, I have left myself last.
2) It appears that I could only allow myself just so much happiness
or pleasure before I started expecting something terrible to happen.
Well, look at this!
The worst has actually happened, and yet here I stand.
I am an orphan, a young widow and an artist,
alone during a world-wide pandemic.

It may sound crazy, but, I am so grateful,
because I now understand that this journey no longer
needs to be a straight line, efficient or multi-tasked.
It’s just got to be pointed to my TRUE NORTH,
feel good most of the time and be done with great love and not fear.
(Even if that means Bare-Naked Parasailing).”

Dangerous Beauty

kiln-formed glass $500

“As devastating as the Coronavirus is and the havoc it has created
in most people’s lives, there is a fascinating beauty
in the microscopic pictures that depict it.”

Cellcirque I

Cellcirque II

mixed media with fused glass, torchwork, mirror, copper on panel $1200 each

“Cell structures and networks appear both micro and galactic, light years expansive and electron microscope tiny.
Both contain visions of unexplored realms, zoomed-in, exploded realities. Shapes are both playful and bizarre.
Abstract forms come alive in vibrant saturated glass colors. Reflective, dazzling light effects with layers of glass
suggest an internal source of energy and animated movement.”

Cellcirque – Aqua Dragon

mixed media with fused glass, torchwork, mirror, copper on panel  $1400

Cellcirque – Under the Sea

mixed media with fused glass, torchwork, mirror, copper on panel  $1400


quilted painting, gallery wrap $500

Hand-painted, machine-quilted with archival sun-sensitive
acrylic paints, polyester monofilament thread,
PFD Kona cotton, warm and white batting.

“The roads and hiking paths are devoid of others.
It is surreal, but I’m filled with a sense of gratitude
that the daily pressures have vanished.”

Sooner Than You Think

mixed media, cold wax $380

Shall We Race?

mixed media, cold wax $380

“I was exploring the idea of time because so many of the comments
I hear about quarantine have to do with how time has changed,
feeling both more slow and more fast.
In order to convey that idea, I used the tortoise and hare imagery,
as well as subtle lines marking time,
and circles throughout representing the days passing.”

Deep Inhale

mixed media collage on panel $800

“Bringing energy in and awakening dormant seeds of creation.”

Full Exhale

mixed media collage on panel $800

“An expression of rebirth, awakening and life flourishing.”

Planet Earth is Closed

oil on panel $400

Stay Home

oil on panel $400

“I’ve been keeping a visual ‘Daily Quarantine Diary’
since about March 25th. The day Maui went into quarantine.
The Effects of this pandemic have been both shocking
and incredibly difficult to process.
Everything was closed. Traffic stopped, the world stopped.
The news, the ever rising numbers of Covid-19 cases
and so much loss, it’s taken a toll on all of us.
These pieces are just what was going on May 2, 2020.
Just trying to make sense of it all, that day.”


acrylic on panel $750

“Napping in the day is such a luxury.
We are blessed with this slow down and so is the earth.”

Don’t wake me till it’s all over

acrylic on panel $750

“I am getting a lot more dream time now
and I am feeling more rested and creative,
and going for my dreams and desires.”

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In 1989, The Maui News called Viewpoints Gallery “a jewel in the art scene”; decades later Viewpoints has become one of the finest art galleries in the State. The discerning art lover will discover representational and contemporary works in a variety of media by Maui’s finest artists and artisans.

Viewpoints Gallery has been driven by a keen sense of community, providing support and paying respect to the culture, the environment, and the arts through events and exhibits. The gallery sets itself apart in action and deed, and has been instrumental in establishing programs that reflect living art history here in the islands.

On Baldwin Avenue, near the lower end of the commercial district, is the establishment that launched the town’s reputation as an art colony – The Courtyard in Makawao. In the early 1900s, this was the site of a movie theater where, on Saturday nights, cowpokes from nearby ranches would come to see silent pictures starring Tom Mix and William S. Hart.

Pictures of a different sort are on view today. You’ll find Viewpoints Gallery – a favorite for the art aficionado in search of top-quality local art.

"Imagine a place you never tire of visiting because of the beauty, the exquisite quality, indeed the joy to discover a new way to look at the world - that's what Viewpoints does for me."

Inquiries are Most Welcome

For specific artwork on display simply call or text.

Viewpoints Gallery

at the Courtyard in Makawao
Monday through Saturday:  11 am – 5 pm